Mr. 200 Years
Who is Aphelios?
Yasuo is consistently is represented by this.
What is a sapling.
This is the best little legend.
What is Astro Molediver?
The most recognizable phrase this content creator says is, "STOP THE GATES!"
Who is Tick2G
The updated version of the meme Nick inspired, and currently is something that Adam does frequently.
What is pushing to Narnia
This champion had true stealth on release.
Who is Akali?
Doran last resided in this region.
Daniel called this comp 'so brain dead Michael can run it'
What is Astro-Sniper?
This content creator made the meme of, "SHOTGUN KNEES"
Who is BrickyOrchid8
This meme is something that Nick used to do and was named after him.
What is Nick Pushing
This champion had a 99.52% pick/ban rate.
Who is Kassadin?
Ornn made this champions weapon.
Who is Braum?
This character was downgraded from a boss to a unit.
Who is Kayn?
This content creator is one of the best support players in the Philippians choosing to main Pyke after his release, leaving the ADC role.
Who is WhyGuy
Teemo is constantly called this by our friend group.
What is a rat
Ms. 200 Years
This is the group that Ekko leads in Zaun.
Who are the Lost Children of Zaun?
This champion has been in every set of TFT so far.
Who is Yasuo?
This content creator and semi-pro is the solo que god of Europe has managed a feat no other has done.
Who is MagiFelix
Daniel considers jungle a combination of these two things.
What is a babysitter and child phycologist
The twitter thread that the meme this category was made from.
Why does Wukong have no damage?
In the old lore Jax was given a choice of these three things to fight with.
What is a lamppost, rubber chicken, and spatula.
This champion has been in one other set other than the one he is currently in, and currently is one of the best units due to his unique trait.
Who is Ornn
This content creator, while unknown is a god at ivern mid and currently works for Magikarp, skoooch, and a few others.
Who is NickyboiYT?
This meme has surfaced during the times we play clash.
What is giving Charles no rights