The name I called Hannah’s leotard
What is a Hannahtard?
My favorite color
What is green?
My favorite dessert
What are brownies?
My favorite teacher
Who is Rankin?
Name 1 YouTuber I watch
What I swallowed during nap time
What is a hair clip?
My favorite car
What is a beetle?
My favorite fruit
What are raspberries
The 2 classes I got awards for at the Finale
What are Precalc 126 and 127?
Name my top 3 favorite shows
What are Community, Brooklyn 99, and The Good Place?
The school lunch only I was allowed to get in kindergarten
What is pancakes?
My favorite animal
What are snails?
Ice cream or cookies
what are cookies?
The topic my favorite paper I wrote was about
What is car dependency?
Time I was born (according to Mommy)
When is 10am?
My favorite type of dance I did
What is jazz?
My favorite song (Hint: It is not a Laufey song)
What is But Not For Me by Chet Baker?
The way I like my eggs
What is over easy?
Name one of the two classes I did not have with Esme
What is Biology Lecture or Spanish 2?
The country we represented at Model Arab League and the council I was on
What is Algeria and the Special Council on Increasing Diplomatic Partnerships?
The lie I was told of what happened to Jake
What is Hannah forgot to close the gate and he escaped?
My favorite book
What is Looking For Alaska?
My favorite form of potato
What are loaded baked potatoes?
What time my Physics class was
When is MWF 11:30-12:20?
My most irrational fear/ most reoccurring
What is throwing up? (Especially in front of people)