Higher and Lower Desires
Individual behaviour
Intellectual Excellence

What force among human beings is most powerful? 


(extra point for why?)


When our hearts are given to lower desires, we only think of ________?

Ourselves, our own needs, our own happiness 


What are the benefits on the individual and community if you keep promises?

People will trust each more, stronger friendships, less conflict, people will feel more secure


What is better for true cooperation? Listening to others or blaming and criticizing others. Why?

Listening to others


What if done for long hours will "starve our minds and stunt our mind's growth"?

Watching TV, playing computer/video games, gossiping/backbiting, scrolling social media, etc. 


What is love NOT? 

A temporary attraction between people. 


What is wrong with wanting to do better if it is based on jealousy of others? 

There is nothing wrong with wanting to do better, but not out of jealousy - you should feel happy for others and also try to improve yourself. 


What are the benefits on the individual and community if you are humble?

People will learn from each other, b/c they won't think they know everything; people will suffer less from arrogance/pride; people will be of service more; people will be more sincere (less empty words)


What is better for true cooperation? Imposing our ideas on others or listening and trying to understand others. Why?

listening and trying to understand others.


Re-word this phrase in a way that encourages your intellectual excellence: I need to think hard to solve this problem, and thinking takes effort, so I'll give up.

This problem appear difficult now, but I'll persevere, and find a way to solve it. 


Ye are the _____ of one tree, and the ______ of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost ____ and harmony, with ________ and fellowship. 

fruits; leaves; love; friendliness


How does jealousy often lead to materialism? 

If we are jealous of what others have, then we will base our happiness on getting more of the things that they have and are often not grateful for what we have already. 


What are the benefits on the individual and community if you are fair in your judgement?

People will not be treated unjustly because of quick judgements, prejudice will diminish, judgements will be made after a thorough investigation.


What is better for true cooperation? Doing the least amount of work possible, doing everything ourselves, or making sure everyone contributes. Why?

making sure everyone contributes.


Re-word this phrase in a way that encourages your intellectual excellence: Thinking is something only scientist and philosophers do

Thinking is something everyone must do


True or false: we will forget our own sadness when we try to bring joy to someone else's heart. 



True or false: To give and be generous increases happiness



Let each _____ be better than its _____, and each morrow richer than its ________. 

Morn; eve; yesterday. 


What is the difference between cooperation and competition? 

In cooperation no one loses, everyone wins but in competition, there are always losers. 

(bonus: does that mean competition is bad?)


Re-word this phrase in a way that encourages your intellectual excellence: I should only think about those problems that affect my own life.

I should think and care about the problems of others and try to find ways to help them. I should not be indifferent. 


Love should be shown in our thoughts, words and ______?



What leads to higher ideals: doing whatever it takes to be rich, or trying to be honest and trustworthy in order to achieve your goal, even if it takes longer

Trying to be honest and trustworthy in order to achieve your goal, even if it takes longer

(bonus point for why?)


Which is the healthier statement? I feel so awful about what I did, I am no good OR I feel bad that I did the wrong thing, but I will try not to do it again.

I feel bad that I did the wrong thing, but I will try not to do it again. (SELF COMPASSION and FORGIVENESS)


What are some of the fruits/results of cooperation? You become more generous, humble; you feel better than others; you learn to work with different people and respect others views; you become lazy and self centred; you strengthen bonds of friendship.

You become more generous, humble; you learn to work with different people and respect others views; you strengthen bonds of friendship.


Knowledge is as _____ to man's life, and a ______ for his ascent. Its acquisition is incumbent upon ________.

wings; ladder; everyone
