What learning difficulty/ thing do most people say they have.
ADHD (which is actually more rare than you would think 5% of children and 2.5% of adults worldwide have it)
What does SPED mean?
special education
Why do kids think special education is a bad thing
because some schools say that or they hear it
Do you know the name of the learning disability that makes it hard to read & spell. (Hint: D_sl_x_a)
Dyslexia (hard one its ok if you did not get it)
How many people with learning disabilities get hate crimes
3/4 people
what did the nation survey find out
3/4 people with learning disabilities get hate crimes
What is the learning disability mentioned most in the slideshow
why shouldn't people mock/ make fun of learning disabilities
They don’t know what it is like so its so mean that they can make fun of it and they don’t even know what it’s like
what do some people say when talking about SPED
they mock it or make fun of it