How you'd say Hello , how are you to a close friend
How you would say Today is?
Aujourd h'ui est ?
Apellele 17!
Call the 17
How much ?
Je travaille
I work
How you would say Hello, how are you to a stranger at night.
Bonsoir, comment ca va?
How you would say today is Monday Janaury 20th
Aujourd h'ui est Lundi vingt janvier
How you would say, I am lost
Je perdu
Je voudrais fromage
I would like cheese
Je suis un ingenieur eclairage
I am a lighting engineer
How you would say Hello my name is Ryan to a stranger during the day.
Bonjour, mon nom est Ryan.
Lundi, Mardi, Vendredi, _____, Jeudi, Samedi, Dimance
Can you tell me where???
Peux tu me dire ou?
Puis- je payer comptant ou par carte de credit?
can I pay cash or credit?
How you would say Thank you
How you would say what time is it?
Quelle heure est-il
How are you?
Je voudrais une servuse
I would like a waitress
Je travaille en une bateau
I work in a boat
How you would say My name is Ryan and I am from the United States.
Mon nom est Ryan et je viens des Etats-Unis
Il est quatre heures vingt
It is 4:20
How would I say this in French I am still learning.
Comment pourrais- je dire cela en francais tojours la langue.
Je voudrais l'addition
I would like the check
Mise en garde! Sol humide
Caution! Wet floor!