Neural networks get more complex
What happens to the brain as it matures?
Sit, Crawl, Walk, Run
What is sequence for motor development.
Tendency for infants to consciously forget memories.
The shutting down of unused synaptic links
What is synaptic pruning?
The predictable developmental process of motor skills
What is Maturation
who was Rovee-Collier?
The frontal lobe
What is the part of the brain that develops first.
Interacting with objects and people differently
What does a baby do when they start crawling?
Shapes our emotions and learning.
What are early expiernces?
Fatty substance that helps speed up neural communications.
What is myelin.
Typical age in which infants take their first steps.
What is 9-12 months.
Ability for infants to recognize their parents voices.
What is auditory recognition?