Memory Miscellany
Mental Mishmash
Psyche Salad
Memory Melee
Cognitive Conglomeration
_______ was the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's experiment, and __________ was the unconditioned response.
What is food and salivation?
Our tendency to best recall the first items on a list is known as _________, and our tendency to recall the last items on a list is known as ________.
What is the primacy effect and the recency effect?
In operant conditioning, this is any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
What is a reinforcement?
A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment.
What is operant conditioning?
Memory retrieval is not like playing back a piece of permanently recorded tape. Instead, memories are ______ every time they are retrieved.
What is reconstructed?

This part of the brain sorts through information from echoic and iconic memory and passes on the important stuff.

What is the thalamus?

The reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response.
What is spontaneous recovery?
Procedural memories are stored in this part of the brain.
What is the cerebellum?
Our short term memory capacity is about _____ chunks of information.
What is seven?
Providing rewards after an unpredictable amount of responses is a _________ schedule of reinforcement.
What is variable ratio?
After being attacked, Sam developed a fear of dogs. Sam also fears cats. Which principle of classical conditioning does Sam demonstrate?
What is generalization?
Every time you buy froyo from Yogurtland, you get your froyo card stamped. Once you purchase ten items, you get your next item free. This follows a ________ schedule of reinforcement.
What is fixed ratio?
A procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior closer and closer toward a desired goal.
What is shaping?
This schedule of reinforcement has the greatest resistance to extinction.
What is variable ratio?
The act of subtly and implicitly influencing a subject to recall a particular memory (or act in a particular way) instead of another equally valid option.
What is priming?
Giving students demerits in school is a form of _______ punishment.
What is positive?
The fact that distributing your studying over time will help you retain information longer than cramming illustrates ___________.
What is the spacing effect?
The car beeping until the driver puts on their seatbelt is an example of ___________.
What is negative reinforcement?

The inability to form new long-term memories.

What is anterograde amnesia?

This is the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.
What is discrimination?
Calling your current math teacher by the name of your math teacher last year is an example of ___________.
What is proactive interference?
This part of the brain is vital for encoding information from working memory into long-term memory.
What is the hippocampus?
A measure of memory when you must retrieve information learned earlier, such as fill-in-the-blank tests (as opposed to simply identifying information you learned earlier).
What is recall?
Studying your theater lines while on the stage would make you more likely to be able to remember them later when standing on the same stage. This is an example of ________ memory.
What is context-dependent memory?
Lars, a shoe salesman, is paid every two weeks. Eric is paid for every 5 pairs he sells. Evidently, Lars is paid on a _________ schedule of reinforcement, and Eric on a _________ schedule of reinforcement.
What is fixed interval and fixed ratio?