Key Terms
Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning

Social-cognitive learning that is called ________ __________ occurs by watching the behavior of something else.

What is observational learning?


Positive reinforcement is an increase in behavior as negative reinforcement is a _________ in behavior.

What is decrease?


unconditioned ________ cause unconditioned ________

What is stimuli and responses?


Theorist who explored the phenomenon of classical conditioning

What is Ivan Pavlov?


B.F Skinner used a hungry rat in a Skinner Box to show how ___________ reinforcement works. His theory emphasizes the role of reinforcement in shaping behavior.

What is positive reinforcement?


________ is the sudden appearance of an answer or solution to a problem.

What is insight?


A teacher gives her students a weekly quiz every Friday. What type of reinforcement schedule is this?

What is fixed-interval schedule?


If Madison gets into a car crash and it leads to her being conditioned to fear the specific location of the accident, what role does the accident play in classical conditioning?

What is unconditioned stimulus (US)?


Psychology theorist known for his social learning theory

What is Albert Bandura?


John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner conditioned a 9 month old infant to fear a rat. A loud noise was paired to a white rat, and eventually the infant was conditioned to fear the white rat. What was this experiment called?

What is the Baby Albert experiment?


The two loci of control and what they mean

What is 

External Locus of Control; the perception that outside forces beyond your control determine your fate

Internal Locus of Control; the perception that you control your own fate


Tommy is a little boy who is being potty trained by his mother. The first time he uses the bathroom on his own his mother verbally praises him. The third time he uses the bathroom on his own his mother gives him stickers of his favorite cartoon. The fifth time he uses the bathroom on his own his mother buys him a toy. What is this an example of?

What is positive reinforcement?


The dogs in Pavlov's experiment were conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell being rung. The bell would be considered to be a _________ _________.

What is conditioned stimulus?


Pavlov studied how dogs start to salivate when presented with food. The dogs began to form associations between the food and events preceded eating the food. What type of learning is this called?

What is classical conditioning?


Tolman experimented with rats in a maze. He discovered that the rats developed a ________ ____ of their environment that allowed the rats to complete the maze faster over time.

What is mental/cognitive map?


Biscuit is a dog that likes to chew on shoes and table legs. Biscuit's owner sprays an unpleasant bitter tasting liquid on the surfaces she likes to chew on. What is this an example of?

What is aversive conditioning?


You are at work and you have a big project due at the end of the workday. Your boss assigns you work at the beginning of the day. Every now and again he pops in your office to check your progress. What reinforcement schedule does this demonstrate?

What is variable interval schedule?


The reappearance of a conditioned response after some time has passed.

What is spontaneous recovery?


If a test subject has been conditioned to salivate to a bell, but may also salivate to a whistle, we would consider it an example of what?

What is generalization?

Bandura produced the ______ ______ experiment to measure the effects of observational learning and violence in young children.

What is Bobo Doll?


A smoker repeatedly tries and fails to quit. He grows very frustrated and comes to the conclusion that nothing he does will help, so he stops trying altogether. What concept does this demonstrate?

What is learned helplessness?


The process of a test subject getting closer and closer to the desired behavior each time they are reinforced or punished.

What is shaping?


If a baby is classically conditioned to flinch in response to the word "BOO" after being trained with a water spray, what happens to the behavior if we repeatedly present the word "BOO" but never spray the water?

What is extinction? The association between the word and behavior will weaken until it is forgotten completely.


A biological limitation, this theory helped explain why animals and humans may be pre-disposed to learn some associations over others.

What is natural selection?


In Thorndike's puzzle box, animals were given rewards if they could get out of a special cage that required 3 steps to escape. A food reward would be obtained by the cat if it could figure out how to escape from the box. This experiment proved that trial and error informs the connection between ________ and __________.

What is stimulus and response?
