Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Observational Conditioning
Cognitive Conditioning
Watson’s classic experiment with “Little Albert” demonstrated this.
What is the learning of a phobia?
This person added the concept of reinforcement to learning theory.
Who is Skinner?
These are the four elements required for the process of observational learning.
What are attention, memory, imitation, and motivation?
Martin Seligman found many similarities between his “helpless” dogs and people suffering from this disorder.
What is depression?
The first language sounds infants begin to make are these.
What are vowels?
In order for conditioning to take place, the neutral stimulus must do this.
What is occur at the same time as the unconditioned stimulus?
Bennie is afraid of birds. When he sees a bird in his backyard, he screams and causes the bird to fly away. Bennie’s screaming behavior is an example of this.
What is negative reinforcement?
A teacher tells her students that they will have recess as soon as they put their art supplies away. This is an example of this.
What is motivation?
A jar with a small purse of seeds and a long piece of wire is placed in a room with a crow. The crow attempts to use the wire to push the seed purse out of the jar. When this fails, the crow examines the jar, then takes out the piece of wire. The crow bends the wire into a hook, and uses this hook to pull the purse out of the jar. The crow displayed this.
What is insight?
A child is able to understand what is said to it, even if it is unable to respond. This statement best describes this theory of language.
What is Chomsky’s LAD theory?
Companies who use popular actors and actresses in their ad campaigns are trying to create this in people who look at their advertisements.
What is a conditioned emotional response?
Alex works at a local bookstore. He receives his paycheck every 2 weeks. This schedule of reinforcement is illustrated in this scenario.
What is fixed interval?
This is today's date.
What is _____________.
In Edward Tolman’s maze study, the fact that the groups of rats receiving reinforcement only after the 10th day of the study solved the maze far more quickly than did the rats who had been reinforced from the first day can be interpreted to mean that these particular rats had done this.
What is had already learned the maze in the first 9 days?
For most people, this portion of the brain is associated with comprehending the meaning of words.
What is the left temporal lobe?
This must be removed in order for extinction to occur.
What is the unconditioned stimulus?
Elizabeth’s parents want her to put her clothes in the hamper. At first, they praise her for putting the clothes together in one pile. Then they praise her for getting the clothes on the same side of the room as the hamper. Finally, her parents praise her when she puts her clothes in the hamper. This process is an example of this.
What is shaping?
Fatimah decides to run in a 5k race. However, she does not join a race immediately. She trains for 3 months before signing up. This element of learning best describes why she waits to run.
What is imitation?
People who study the cognitive learning theory are interested in this.
What is what goes on a person’s mind as he or she learns
Henry’s speech is halting, and many of his words are mispronounced. Henry most likely has this.
What is Broca’s aphasia?
A child had been classically conditioned to fear a white rat. If the child also shows fear when shown a white rabbit, then this has occurred.
What is stimulus generalization?
Ella is teaching her parrot a new word. Every time the parrot says a sound that is close to the new word, she gives it a treat. But the parrot keeps repeating other words it has learned in the past, trying to get a treat that way. The parrot is exhibiting this.
What is spontaneous recovery?
What did one math book say to the other?
Boy, do I have problems!
Wolfgang Kohler determined that his chimpanzee’s two-stick solution to the banana problem was an example of insight because it was this.
What is sudden and rapid?
The Dani have only two words for color, yet can distinguish between many different colors. This finding specifically supports the language theory of this man.
Who is Rosch-Heider?