Hardware/ Tech/ Printing
Employee Expectations
Lab Procedures
Opening/ Closing
Teams/ Blastposting Shifts/ Time Reporting

What do you do if a computer is stuck on a screen and isn't responding to any troubleshooting attempts?

Go through the rebuild procedure


Blue paper towels are running low in the lab you are working in, what do you do?

Report it in the inventory report teams channel so that a supervisor can restock it!


where can you find the schedule for classroom reservations?

Each classroom will have a kiosk outside the door displaying the reservation schedule, but you can also google “UFIT classroom reservations” to find the schedule


When and where do you sign in for your opening shift?

Go to marston to get your lab keys, enter through the basement breakroom with your UFID, and sign in from your phone teams app


At what times can you clock in to not receive an offense if your shift is at 5:00?

You can clock in from 4:55-5:00.


What are the print charges for a plotter print?

$3 per linear foot


What are you expected to do as a TC every hour while on shift? What is the window for this?

Headcounts! You have 15 minutes before and after the hour (for example 4:45-5:15)


The lights start flickering in the lab you are working in, what do you do?

submit a work request and make note of it in the teams channel for help/work requests!


At what time should you check the supply closet for remaining lab keys if you are opening MSL? And what should you do if there are still keys in the box?

7:40 am; Call Supe E-Cell if keys have not been picked up


How do you pick up an open shift?

Go to teams and click on shifts. From there click on the open shift you want and press request.


If a user reports that a lab computer is being slow and not loading, what is your first attempt at troubleshooting?

Check the cable connections, specifically the ethernet cable which is responsible for connecting the computer to a network!


What are the different levels of our disciplinary action system?

1. Warning

2. Minor offense

3. Major offense

4. Employment warning

5. Dismissal offense

6. Termination


What is the procedure for reporting a classroom reservation no-show?

1. After 15 minutes, open the classroom back up to the public

2. If the class shows up within 30 minutes, then clear the classroom again

3. After 30 minutes the classroom remains open to the public

4. Report the classroom no show through the canvas link under shift reporting --> no show report


When opening/closing Weil, what extra step do you have to do with the three classroom doors?

Flip the switch on door lock!


How do you offer a shift to another TC?

Click the plus sign on the upper right corner of the teams shift menu and select your shift and who you are offering it to.


What is the Crestron/ what does it do?

It is the touchscreen control panel for turning a projector on/off, clicking display options for the desktops, and controlling sound output.


What do you do if you are finishing your shift at a lab and the next TC  doesn't show up?

Check teams to make sure a TC is working the lab after you, call the supervisors (office or e-cell), and sign out when your shift ends.


How do you go about taking a break in a single staffed lab?

1. notify supervisor

2. wait for relief TC from double-staffed lab

3. notify supervisor when relief TC shows up

4. notify supervisor when you return and when relief TC is leaving

5. relief TC must call supervisors when they get back to their lab


Which labs have doors that lock/unlock automatically?

Norman- Main entrance & classroom doors auto-lock

CSE- doors open automatically at 8:00am and automatically close at 8:00pm on M-R, 5:00pm on Friday


Let's say you get to your 5:00pm shift at 4:57, but the computer is being slow and you don't get to clock in until 5:02, what steps do you take?

1. Through your mobile teams app click on time clock.

2. Press the book icon on the upper right corner.

3. Tap edit on your active shift.

4. Change the clock in time to the time you arrive.

5. Report this in the sign-in issues teams channel and send the supervisors an email.


What is the website we use for printing?


Signing in before arriving to your shift, bringing unauthorized personnel in TC areas, using your cell phone, and improperly opening or closing a lab would all warrant what type of disciplinary action?

Major offense


What is the 5-step fire alarm procedure?

1. evacuate users via closest exit

2. ensure everyone is out, grab keys, and lock the door

3. call the fire department if not a drill

4. call the supervisor office or e-cell

5. inform the next TC on duty and stay until your shift ends


What are the steps to closing CSE?

1. closing announcements (45,30,15, and 5 mins)

2. Flicker lights at 15 mins before

3. Check that all users have left

4. push in chairs and pick up trash

5. log out of all computers

6. turn of all lights and TVs, and make sure the projector screens are rolled up

7. close and lock classroom doors

8. leave lab with keys in hand

9. walk to msl and return the keys to the supply closet box. sign out from your phone teams app


What is the proper shift blastposting procedure?

Two weeks before the shift you want to drop send a message to the Teams "Shift Swap" channel and email the TC listserv.

One week before, send an email to the supervisors including the reason for dropping your shift and screenshots of your two original messages from the week prior.
