I am the key in between "F" and "H"
What is G
You can find both of me between the space bar
What are the "alt" keys
This key is between "Y" and "I"
What is U
I am the first letter in mouse
What is "M"
I am below J and H
What is N
What is "caps lock"
We are used to capitalize your letters
What is both shift key?
I am the first alphabet and typed with your right pinky
What is P
I am between "X" and "V"
What is "C"
I am between "S" and "F"
What is the letter D
Name the four keys you type with your right hand
What are JKL: or JKL; JKL" JKL'
I am in the bottom left and below the right shift key
What is the "ctrl" key
I am the only key above "G" and "H"
What is Y
These alphabets are typed with the left hand
What are ZXCVB
Which row is "S" and "L" on
What is the homerow
Name the four keys you type with your left hand
What are asdfgcaps lock"
I am in the top right corner of the number lock and above "P" on the right
What is the dash or hyphen
What is the letter that follows after Q and W
What is E
These alphabets are typed with the right hand
What are "N" and "M"
What row are we on ZBC
What is the bottom row
What are all the keys on the homerow?
What are asdfghjkl;'
I am above "tab" and "Q" and on the number pad
What is the number "1" key
Name the alphabet keys on the top row
Name all of the alphabet keys on the bottom row
What is zxcvbnm or mnbvcxz
What row are these letters on "YOU"
What is the top row