Residents are allowed to have service animal/emotional support animals as long as
How often do you have to do recertification?
What is yearly/annually?
What happens if a guest refuses to leave the property?
What is reporting to security/911?
Guests are welcome and will be required to
What is follow the rules/show ID?
How does Property management communicate to residents about being a good neighbor?
What is a reminder notice?
Pets are allowed only under the terms of the Pet Policy as long as proper documents, approval from PM and pay a fee of
What is $250?
HACLA may cancel your subsidy if
What is not complete your recertification?
Emergencies include fires, smoke, sparks or overflowing water and etc are to be reported
What is immediately?
You are responsible for all actions of your guest, while the guest is on the property. A rule violation or damage caused by a guest of a Resident is treated as a rule violation by
What is the Resident household?
If after providing you with a reminder notice, the behavior continues what will be the next steps?
What is a letter of concern?
Guest are allowed to have a service animal onsite as long as
What is show documents as proof?
What is the earliest you can start recertification process?
What is 120 days?
Narcan are available on site where?
What is each floor?
Mail service is for
What is Residents only?
The following violations of house rules by you may result in immediate eviction:
What is violence on the property?
If your pet defecate or urinate in common areas what is the fee?
What is $25?
For recertification, when you have to provide bank statements, SSI, SSDI, GR, chime, cash app, paypal and more, what is this call?
What is income verification?
If you are a danger to yourself or others, what can you do?
What is contact front desk/911?
Residents are supposed to escort their guest where?
What is in and out of the property?
What is appliances?
According to state, local and property rules, leashing your pet is
What is mandatory?
Additional Residents/Occupants must receive advance qualifications and
What is approval prior to moving onto the property?
Damage to property includes, pounding on doors, graffiti and
What is vandalism?
Guest may not stay on the Property more than
What is 7 days total in a 90-day period.
True or false: profanity and rudeness towards staff is appropriate.
What is false?