Being Prepared and Travel Concepts
Minimize Waste and Campfire Impacts
Being Considerate of other visitors
Respect for Wildlife
Leave What You Find

This is a tool you can use to find your way when looking at a map.

What is a compass?


Only gather these materials for kindling wood.

What is dead leaves/pine needles and/or downed twigs?


You should behave in this way when traveling in campground areas.

What is walking quietly on established trails and/or avoid walking through campsites?


This common nocturnal bird makes a piercing, whinny sound and/or a muted trill.

What is an Eastern screech owl?


After you are done camping, you do these 3 things to your site just before you leave.

What is walking in grid formation through the campsite looking for any litter, spreading brush/leaves to cover site, and widely scattering cold ashes 200 feet from campsite?


It is important to carry this when backpacking in an area with no clean water.

What is a water filter/purifier?


Two causes of camper-made, unintentional wildfires.

What is building a campfire under low hanging branches, not having a fire extinguisher or water available, and creating too large a fire under the current conditions.


Light is disruptive to campers because it prevents them from seeing ________.

What are the stars?


These three conditions develop in animals when they eat human food consistently.

What is malnourished? What is sick from ingesting human food containers/wrappers? What is associating humans with food? What is increased spread of disease due to increased concentration of wildlife?


Collecting seashells from a shoreline can be harmful because it takes away ____________ from native species.

What are possible sources of shelter?


Temporary durable surfaces found only during part of the year.

What is ice and snow?


The time it takes for a banana peel to decompose.

What is two years?


The maximum number of people in a single hiking or camping group to lessen the impact on wildlife, trails and other campers.

What is no more than 12.


A hard cylinder used to store food and smellables to prevent animals from reaching them.

What is a bear canister?


These are three examples of natural resources not suitable for campfires.

What is live branches, wood too large to completely burn in one campfire, and downed wood possibly used as a nesting location for wildlife?


Camping in established campsites minimizes the impact on the land. Name three different areas in nature that could be harmful to utilize as a campsite.

What is setting up a campsite under a dead tree, near streams or ravines that might suddenly flood, and next to your food.


Two best practices to avoid burning empty food containers/boxes in the campfire.

What is repackaging food into the proper amount needed for the trip, reusing empty containers/bags for other camping uses, and choosing foods that are compact and compressible?


Four examples of things that disrupt the sounds of nature.

What is playing music, talking/laughing loudly, using motorized equipment, gunshots, barking dogs?


Prevent bear and wildlife visits to your campsite by using this three sided rule when setting up your campsite.

What is the Bear-muda Triangle (tents, food storage and cooking area form three points of a triangle)?


This is why we do not leave man-made structures, like chairs made out of logs, or permanent imprints, like carvings in trees, at a campsite once we are done with it.

What is damaged or artificial surroundings take away from the natural appeal of the outdoors for others?


The first and most important part of a camping or hiking trip.

What is tell someone where you are going, when you expect to arrive home, and who is going?


There are certain places near which you should not fill a cat-hole when in nature.

What is within 200 feet of a water source?


This is what you do when a hiker is approaching uphill when you are going downhill.

What is step aside on the uphill edge and allow them to pass?


Wildlife is at risk of being killed or removed from campgrounds when people do these often innocent, yet harmful activities.

What is feeding wildlife, invading wildlife space to get pictures, converting natural habitat into human use, and leaving your trash/food out?


These are three best practices to avoid transporting non-native or unwanted species to new locations.

What is shake out clothes & gear, wipe boots, leave flowers/plants & walking sticks, do not bring wood into or out of campsite?
