Only 5.5 week courses.
Deployment over than 13 Weeks
What is the difference between Short-Term and Long-Term Military Leave?
Request the DocuSign from the advisor.
How does a student begin the Medical Leave process?
WX Grade
What type of grade does an active student receive from a Medical Leave?
Students must be scheduled for a minimum of 6 credits in the term immediately following the leave.
How can a Stop-Out student qualify for federal loans?
Military Training, Appeal Pending, Dosage Calculations, Natural Disaster/Pandemic, and Campus Closure
What are some examples RU has used Short-Term Leave in the past?
The next scheduled quarter.
When can a student on Short-Term leave return?
A signed and dated note from a licensed therapist or physician.
What must be submitted along with a Medical Leave Request Form?
A student must meet SAP.
What is the academic requirement for a Stop-Out?
Notification for Exit counseling.
What does the student receive once their medical or short-term leave is sent to the Department of Education?
Cannot be taken for two consecutive terms.
There is no limit to the total number of non-consecutive quarters.
Submit a Medical Release Clearance Note along with the signed DocuSign form.
How do students return from Medical Leave?
Before or after the withdrawal deadline for a Medical Leave Request.
When can a student receive a WX grade?
Enters the grace period/repayment period.
What happens to student financial account when place on Medical or Short Term leave?
Provide a copy of the official orders to the advisor.
What initiates a Military Leave?
Up to two consecutive quarters.
How many quarters are you eligible to take a Medical Leave?
Must be signed on or before census within the quarter they are requesting this particular leave.
When does the Stop-Out request form need to be signed?
SAP Credit Completion Rate (CCR) is impacted.
How does a WX Grade impact SAP status?
A proration calculation (R2T4) based on the last day of attendance is performed.
What happens to a student's financial account when they go on Medical Leave?
When Rasmussen cancels a course and the student has no option to remain active.
What is a reason a student is placed on a short-term leave?
There are no viable options to maintain part-time status through the end of the quarter.
What is a reason a student is placed on a short-term leave?
Only the University initiates this leave.
Who initiates a Short-Term Leave?
WL grade
What is the grade recorded for a Military Leave?
Enrollment status is reported to the National Student Clearing House in Week 3.
How do the student loans return back into deferment status when a student returns from a leave?