Open in 2019, this resource provides both Site Based (groups) and Mobile (community) services, as well as the new Jumpstart Housing Program.
Name two mental health personal care homes in Lebanon.
Dowhower & American House
Stop by here for a free noon meal.
LCCM (Lebanon County Christian Ministries)
Name two counseling providers in Lebanon County.
PA Counseling, Move Forward, Ponessa, ect.
Go right around the corner for assistance with finding jobs, creating resumes, and getting connected with OVR (Office of Vocational Rehabilitation).
Case management provider in Lebanon County
SAM Inc.
Processes applications for Section 8, HUD, and manages low-income properties.
Lebanon County Housing Authority
Name one representative payee service in Lebanon County.
Advocacy Alliance, Thompson Social Services, ARC
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline phone number.
While exploring nature at this local park, be sure to check out the Suicide Remembrance Garden near the Nature Barn.
Established in 1966, this is a psychosocial rehabilitation drop-in center where individuals can socialize and participate on social outings.
Name two homeless shelters in Lebanon County
Fresh Start, Agape Family Shelter, Rescue Mission
Name two food pantries in Lebanon County.
Caring Cupboard, Joy Pantry, LCCM, Calvary
State of the art wellness center with group fitness studios, camps, sports, and an indoor pool. It's fun to stay at the..
Provides advocacy, counseling and therapy to survivors of sexual violence and their significant others.
SARCC (Sexual Assault Resource Counseling Center)
Funding and administrative oversight for Lebanon County services related to mental health, intellectual disabilities, and early intervention. Also provide administrative case management.
Provides limited assistance for eligible Lebanon County residents who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
CAP (Community Action Partnership)
Shop here when you receive a clothing voucher from LCCM.
Stop by and explore our animals that are up for adoption.
Humane Society
Provides cash assistance, SNAP benefits, medical assistance, and emergency fuel assistance.
County Assistance Office
Outpatient clinical therapy that also oversees the SAP (Student Assistance Programming) and Camp ROCKS programs
Empower the Mind
Semi-independent residential setting for individuals with mental health needs that resembles a family, with support from peers and minimal support from professional staff. All residents share in the responsibilities of for the upkeep of the home, and are expected to obtain volunteer or employment while living there.
Fairweather Lodge
Dialing this number allows all residents of Pennsylvania to have access to customized health, housing and human services information in one place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is one-stop resource to find information about community services in the area.
Current Mayor of Lebanon
Sherry Cappello