Do you have to come to class for a perfect score?
What is the majority of the points in the class?
participation, attendance, and prep
Where can you find the assignments for LED 300?
If you need to miss a class what should you do?
communicate and get assignments/notes from a classmate.
What has to be done if you choose to use AI in an assignment?
cite that you have used AI
name one thing that is require (physically) for this class
reading response journal
What is an acceptable reason to miss class?
unforeseen situations, illness, death, car troubles, family emergencies.
How many assignments will be done in practicum?
In the event of needing a late assignment, what should be done.
Email the professor with your concerns BEFORE THE DUE DATE!!!!!!!!!
How many reading responses are there?
How many assignments do we have to complete to pass?
All of them!
5 points in participation.
What kind of exam will we have for our final?
online essay
What's the name of our textbook?
phonics from A to Z