USGBC LEED/Core Concepts
Location & Transportation/Water
Energy & Atmosphere/Sustainable Sites
Materials/Indoor Air Quality
Innovation/Grab Bag

The amount of time you have to take the exam once you have registered

What is one year?


A site that has never been built on or developed for human use is considered this

What is a “Greenfield”?


This LEED prerequisite ensures that all energy systems are installed, calibrated, and perform according to the project requirements, design, and construction documents.

What is "Fundamental Commissioning and Verification"?


There are two Materials and Resources prerequisites. Storage and Collection of Recyclables is one. This is the other

What is Construction & Development Waste Management Planning?


This is a place that is intended to facilitate the introduction of new credits into the LEED rating systems

What is the Pilot Credit Library?


Your name exactly as stated on your ID and photo is required to be able to do this

What is sit for the exam?

(for data concerns, contact a media shredding service)


This credit can be earned by providing bike racks and storage to encourage building occupants to use bicycles.

What is "Bicycle Facilities"?


This credit encourages the use of high-performance building envelopes, mechanical systems, and lighting systems to minimize energy use.

What is "Optimize Energy Performance"?


A term applied to a product if a new use can be applied to it after the end of its first useful life, diverting it from a landfill.

What is cradle to cradle?


Reduction in night vision and and increased stress to nocturnal animals are effects caused by this

What is light pollution?


This amount of points out of 200 is needed to pass the exam

What is 170 points?


This LEED credit is awarded for locating a project within a half-mile walking distance of existing or planned public transit.

What is "Access to Quality Transit"?


This LEED credit is aimed at promoting the adoption of demand response strategies to reduce peak energy use and enhance grid reliability.

What is "Demand Response"?


Approximately 40% of the total solid waste stream in the U.S. is created by this 

What is Construction and Demolition Waste?


To achieve this credit, projects must address local environmental, social equity, and public health priorities, as determined by LEED’s regional councils.

What is "Regional Priority"?


The amount of money and hours required every two years to maintain the LEED GA credential

What is $85 and 15 hours?


This is a property that may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.

What is a “Brownfield”?


This credit is awarded for reducing ozone depletion and climate change impact through the selection and management of refrigerants and HVAC systems.

What is "Enhanced Refrigerant Management"?


This is the lowest rating for HVAC filtration

What is Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13?


This is the number of Regions assigned Regional Priority Credits


What is 6?


This rating system consists of the bulk of the questions on the exam

What is BD+C? (LEED for Building Design and Construction)


The Green Vehicles credit requires dedication of ___ percent of all parking spaces for green vehicles.

What is "5 percent"?


This credit encourages the implementation of ongoing energy use monitoring to ensure that energy savings are maintained throughout the building’s operational life.

What is "Advanced Energy Metering"?


This method replaces indoor air w/outdoor air several times to remove contaminants

What is a flush out?


This credit that can be earned for achieving double the credit requirements or the next incremental percentage threshold

What is an exemplary performance credit?
