CIA Shenangians
Imperial Ambitions
White Brosocialists
2 Fast 2 Theory
Unknown Faves

In 1953, the CIA launched a coup in this Middle Eastern country after its prime minister nationalized the oil industry

What is Iran?


This Middle-Eastern nation-state is currently maintaining the longest continuous military occupation of foreign land in modern history

What is Israel?


This black woman famously refused to give up her seat on a bus - and also frequented local Communist Party chapter meetings

Who is Rosa Parks?


This famous text opens with the line "There is a spectre haunting Europe - the spectre of communism"

What is the Communist Manifesto?


Regarded by many as one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century, he wrote an essay called "Why Socialism?" in which he outlined why capitalism had failed society and needed to be replaced with socialism

Who is Albert Einstein?


In 1973, the CIA overthrew this country's government, the first democratically elected socialist government in Latin America

What is Chile?


In 1947, this imperial power decided the world needed not 1, but 2 bloody Partitions to resolve the tensions in its former colonies

What is the British Empire? (Britain, UK, and England are all acceptable)


The godmother of the famous rapper Tupac Shakur, this Black Panther revolutionary fled to Cuba to avoid extradition 

Who is Assata Shakur?


"Imperialism - The Highest Stage of Capitalism" and "State and Revolution" are among this famous/infamous leader's many works

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


Arguably the most famous deaf-blind person in modern history, she was also a supporter of the IWW, the Socialist Party of the U.S., and helped found the ACLU to protect anti-World War One dissenters

Who is Helen Keller?


The CIA tried to assassinate this man over 300 times, including once trying to blow him up with his signature cigar

Who is Fidel Castro?


3.1 million U.S. citizens reside on this island, unable to vote for President or have any representation in Congress due to their island's status as a territory.

What is Puerto Rico?


Most well known for her advocacy for the educational rights of Muslim women, she's also an avowed Marxist and a member of Pakistan's socialist party

Who is Malala Yousafzai?


Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping pioneered this unique blend of Marxist-Leninist central planning with neoliberal capitalist markets

What is socialism with Chinese characteristics?


This famed civil rights leader remarked to his wife in 1952 that "capitalism has outlived its usefulness"

Who is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?


In 2002, the CIA worked with opposition leaders to orchestrate a false flag attack on protesters to justify a coup in this Latin American country

What is Venezuela?


This Belgian King oversaw the death of over 10 million Congolese natives between 1885 and 1908 in forced labor camps to produce rubber for his empire 

Who is King Leopold II?


When she wasn't painting legendary works that would become symbols of Mexico, she was organizing with the Mexican Communist Party, and even had an affair with Leon Trotsky

Who is Frida Kahlo?


This ideology is the ruling principle of Venezuela, and combines left-wing populism and Latin American nationalism, and is named for its founding figure

What is Chavismo?


When he's not boldly going where no man has ever gone before, this famous actor is an open socialist and proud supporter of Jeremy Corbyn

Who is Sir Patrick Stewart?


In 1954, Allen Dulles, who was both a United Fruit Company board member & the CIA Director, orchestrated a coup in this Central American country

What is Guatamala?


This British Prime Minister placed over 500,000 Kenyans in concentration camps during the Mau Mau Uprising from 1952-1960

Who is Winston Churchill?


This Afro-Latina helped organize the Haymarket Affair in 1886 in Chicago for an 8-hour workday, and after her husband Albert Parsons was executed for his role in it, helped found the IWW 

Who is Lucy Parsons?


Examples of this anarchist idea in practice include the assassinations of U.S. President William McKinley, Russian Tsar Alexander II, and Italian King Umberto I

What is propaganda of the deed?

This famous American nuclear physicist was involved in various left organizations before and during WWII, and testified before HUAC in Congress in 1954 that he was "associated with the Communist movement"

Who is Dr. J Robert Oppenheimer?
