UMN Law School Lore
Supreme Court Cases
Ethics in Law
Tort Law
UMN Pre-Law Advising

The University of Minnesota Law School is named after this individual

Who is Walter F. Mondale, 42nd President of the United States?


A unanimous Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and held that state laws requiring or allowing racially segregated schools violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court famously stated "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


This principle prohibits attorneys from disclosing confidential client information without consent

What is Attorney-Client Privilege?


a. False imprisonment b. Battery c. Assault d. Conversion e. Trespass to chattels f. Trespass to land g. Intentional infliction of emotional distress

What are intentional torts?

The Pre-Law Advisor for the University of Minnesota

Who is Erin Reichelt?


The University of Minnesota Law School celebrate this anniversary in 2023.

What is the 135th Anniversary?


In this pre-Civil War case, the question was whether Congress had the constitutional power to prohibit slavery in free territories. A second question was whether the Constitution gave African Americans the right to sue in federal court

What is Dred Scott v. Sandford?


Lawyers are prohibited from representing a client if this type of conflict exists unless the client gives informed consent

What is a conflict of interest?


This type of causation is required in every action for negligence

What is "but-for" causation?


The 2-credit Pre-Law Advising course

What is OUE 3205 Law School Exploration?


The first issue of the Minnesota Law Review was published this year.

When is 1913?

The Court found that the Fifth and Sixth Amendments require police to inform individuals in custody that they have a right to remain silent and to be assisted by an attorney. According to the Court, if the police fail to do so, a criminal court judge may rule that any statements made by the accused cannot be admitted as evidence during trial

What is Miranda v. Arizona?


This is the term for withdrawing from a case due to ethical concerns or conflicts of interest

What is recusal?


The term for two negligent defendants who are liable for the entire amount of damages

What is joint and several liability?


Connect with admissions professionals from 60+ law schools from across the country on 10/7/2024 in Coffman Memorial Union

What is the Law School Fair?


The 999,999th volume added to the University of Minnesota Law Library

What is a 1776 edition of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense?

The millionth volume: The Papers of Clarence Darrow


This case addressed where an institution of higher learning can use race as a factor when making admissions decisions. The Court held that universities may use race as part of an admissions process so long as "fixed quotas" are not used.

What is Regents of the University of California v. Bakke?


The American Bar Association's code of ethics that governs the conduct of attorneys is known by this name

What are the Model Rules of Professional Conduct?


A jury may award additional damages to punish defendant for the defendant's intentional conduct. The purpose is to send a message to society that such conduct will not be tolerated

What are punitive damages?


A program that offers a select number of students a free LSAT prep class each summer at the University of Minnesota Law School

What is the Minnesota Pre-Law Scholars (MPLS) program?

The name of the new cafe in the University of Minnesota Law school

What is Legal Grounds?


The Court held that it is the role of the federal government to regulate commerce and that state governments cannot develop their own commerce-regulating laws. Further, the Court created a wide definition for “commerce,” reasoning that the term encompassed more than just selling and buying. In this case, the Court determined that regulating water navigation was in fact an act that regulated commerce.

What is Gibbons v. Ogden?


This doctrine limits a lawyer’s ability to represent a new client in a case that is substantially related to a former client's case

What is the Substantial Relationship Test?


The elements of negligence

What is 1. Duty 2. Breach 3. Causation 4. Injury?


This application based program pairs students with judges from Ramsey County. Through a 4-day externship over winter break, students observe several court cases, interact with judges, attorneys, and other court staff, and connect individually with a Judge to learn about their rulings and decision-making process. This process gives an opportunity for a deeper exploration of the legal field, individual mentoring, and assists in their exploration of the legal field.

What is the Judicial Branch Externship Program?
