Presidency Facts
High School Law
American History
Argument by Judge
Maybe I Know

This president received sexual favors in the oval office and whose presidency was tarnished by perjury, a woman, and stains on a blue dress 

Who is: Bill Clinton


Ruled: Separate but equal is not legal

The case is...

Case: Brown v. Board of education


Abraham Lincoln had three reasons for fighting the Civil War, can you tell me one?

You can receive 50 extra points for each of the additional reasons, for a total of 200 points

1. Preserve the union

2. Stop the spread of slavery

3. Ensure all men would be equal


Fight for the points: Thinking of legal precedent, was Arial (The Little Mermaid) in violation of her contract, why or why not?

Judge decides who wins the argument


I am the GREATEST american president that was a wrestler and television star

Who is: Donald Trump


This Texan president gave multiple interviews from the toilet of the residents

hint: JFK's vice president

Who is: Lyndon B. Johnson


This supreme court case has never been over turned 

Rule: During times of a national emergency, Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps

Case: Korematsu v. United States


This man is referred to as The great compromiser of American history

Who is: Henry Clay


Fight for the points: Are there any reparations that the furniture (maids and butlers) of the Beast (Beauty and the Beast) should be entitled to?

Judge decides the winner


Finish this song verse: "After the war I went back to New York. A-After the war I went back to New York. I finished..."

"Up my studies and I practiced law. I practiced law, Burr worked next door"

(100 extra points if they keep going)..."Even though we started at the very same time, Alexander Hamilton began to climb. How to account for his raise to the top... Maaaaaan, the man was non-stop!


This president killed a man before going into public service and married his adopted daughter 

hint: Family Guy spin off 

Who is: Grover Cleveland 


Ruled: Flag burning is legal as it is freedom of expression under the 1st amendment

The case is...

Case: Texas v. Johnson


My husband took ill in 1919 leaving me no choice but to assume the role and perform the duties of President, but in secret

Who is: Mrs. Edith Wilson


Fight for the points: How would you defend Scar (The Lion King) in court for murder charges against Mufasa

Judge selects the winning argument


The longest government shutdown in history (apart from this current one) was in what year and under which president?

Who is: Barack Obama, 2013


We are in a unique group of presidents that have had family members ascend to be the president... Name the families?

*100 points for each correct answer*

Who are: Adams, Harrison, Roosevelt, Bush


Case: Baker v. Carr

One person, One vote


Howdy, we are the four presidents that claim Texas as our home state

You will receive 100 points for each correct answer

Who are: Lyndon B. Johnson, Dwight Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush


Fight for the points: If Tiana and Prince Naveen never became human, should they still be granted the same benefits and rights as a normal and actual person? 

The Judge will select the winning argument


"On the Basis of Sex" and "The Notorious RBG" are two movies that portray the life of who?

100 extra points: What is this person's job and when did this person join

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Extra Points: Associate Justice to the Supreme Court, 1993 


We are the only four presidents that have been assassinated in American history

*Must get all correct to receive points*

Who are: Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy


Rule: No person is above the law, including the president of the United States

Case: United States v. Nixon 


*Without using a calculator*

The Declaration of Independence was signed in 17776, how long have we been independent



Fight for the points: Lady Tremaine and her two daughters are suing Cinderella for slanderous language around their town calling them such words like "Wicked, Cruel or Evil", make a case for either Cinderella or Lady Tremaine.

The Judge will select the winning argument. 


First lady of the United States and wife of JFK had 3 last names, what were they

*points are granted for each last name*

Jackie Kennedy - 100 points

Jackie Onassis - 200 points

Jackie Bouvier - 200 points
