Laws, Laws, Laws
Good Guys/Bad Guys
Yummy Torts
To Do Or Not To Do
Good Care?
Laws written and enacted by the US Congress. Example: Nurse Practice Acts
What is Statutory Law

Any action that places a person in apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact without consent. (no actual contact is necessary)

What is an assault?

A civil wrong made against a person or property.
What is a Tort?
Written document that direct treatment in accordance with a patient's wishes in the event of a terminal illness or condition.
What is A Living Will?
The legal requirements for nursing practice that describe minimum acceptable nursing. A reflection of the knowledge and skill ordinarily possessed and used by nurses actively practicing in the profession.
What are Standards of Care?

Evolved from the decisions of previous legal cases that form a precedent. Examples:Informed Consent , Right of refusal, Negligence, Malpractice. 

What is Common Law?

An intentional touching without consent.
What is battery?

Conduct exceeds what is usually accepted by society. The health-care provider's conduct is intended to cause mental distress. The conduct actually does produce mental distress.

What is Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress?

A written order separate from the advanced directives that states not to perform resuscitative measures.
What is an DNR or Do Not Resuscitate Order?
Describes and defines the legal boundaries of nursing practice within each state.
What are Nurse Practice Acts?

Protect society as a whole and provide punishment for crimes, which are defined by municipal, state, and federal legislation.

What is Criminal Laws?

Limit the liability and offer legal immunity if a nurse helps at the scene of an accident.
What is the Good Samaritan Laws?
Occurs when a competent client is confined or restrained with intent to prevent him/her from leaving the hospital.
What is False Imprisonment?

a physician’s responsibility to warn an identifiable third party of a potential serious threat of harm to their health.

Duty to Warn

The release of a patient's medical information to an unauthorized person such as a member of the press, the patient's employer or the patient's family.
What is Invasion of privacy?

Civil law deals with behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party, such as a corporation. Examples are defamation (including libel and slander), breach of contract, and property damage.

What is Civil Laws?

Protects private patient information once it has been disclosed in health care settings.
What is Confidentiality?
Are willful acts that violate another's rights such as assault, battery, and false imprisonment.
What are Intentional Torts?
A legal document that designates a person or persons of one's choosing to make health care decisions when the patient is not longer able to make decisions on his or her own behalf.
What is Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or Health Care Proxy?
This is the most single most frequently used piece of objective evidence in a malpractice suit.
What is The Medical Record?

Reflects decisions made by administrative bodies such as state boards of nursing when they pass rules and regulations. Example: Requirements to report incompetent or unethical nursing conduct to the state board of nursing).

What is Regulatory Law?

Conduct that falls below a standard.
What is Negligence?
Harmful to a person's reputation, diminishes the esteem, respect, goodwill, or confidence that others have for a person. Examples: Libel, Slander
What is Defamation of Character?
A person's agreement to allow something to happen such as surgery or an invasive diagnostic procedure, based on a full disclosure of risk, benefits, alternatives and consequences of refusal.
What is Informed Consent?
--Establishing a good rapport with clients --Keeping current on nursing skills --Really knowing your client --Keeping excellent documentation & clear boundaries with clients
What is Nursing Care that Prevents Lawsuits?