Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46, s 248.
c C-46
What is the chapter number?
Gully Marine Protected Area Regulations, SOR/2004-112.
What is the regulation number?
Citi Cards Canada Inc v Pleasance, [2011] OJ no 15 (QL) (CA).
[2011] OJ no 15
What is a Quicklaw citation?
A subscription service that allows a researcher to use the QuickCite noting up service?
What is Quicklaw?
An Ontario Court of Appeal decision is binding on the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
What is stare decisis?
Oceans Act, SC 1996, c 31.
SC 1996
What is the statutory volume, jurisdiction and year of passage of statute?
Tackle Regulations, CRC, c 1494 (1978).
What is Consolidated Regulations of Canada?
Chimienti v Windsor (City of), 2011 ONCA 16.
2011 ONCA 16
What is a neutral citation?
A free legal research service that provides access to Canadian statutes, regulations and cases, including both court & tribunal decisions, as well as commentary.
What is CanLII?
Must pass three readings at the House of Commons and Senate before reaching Royal Assent.
What is a Federal bill?
Far North Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 18.
Far North Act, 2010
What is the title of the statute?
Telesat Canada Remission Order, SI/99-82.
What is Statutory Instrument?
OR, Nfld & PEIR, NBR (2d), AR
What are unofficial strongly recommended provincial reporters?
A subscription service that enables a researcher to note up cases using KeyCite (e.g. Citing References).
What is LawSource? (or WL Can)
Override common law in case of a conflict.
What is a statute?
Forestry Act, RSO 1990, c F.26.
What is Revised Statutes of Ontario?
Prohibited Developments: Opening a Mine, O Reg 117/11.
What is the Regulation number?
What is Canadian Railway Cases?
The "bible" of citation rules.
What is McGill or Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation?
What is the editor's summary of a court decision?
Official Languages Act, RSC 1985, c 31 (4th Supp), s 16, as amended by SC 2002, c 8, s 155.
SC 2002, c 8, s 155
What is the amendment to s 16 of the Official Languages Act?
Quality Control, RRO 1990, Reg 456.
What is Revised Regulations of Ontario?
Colwell & Jennings Ltd v JW Creaghan Co (1950), [1951] 4 DLR 840 (NBSC (Ch Div)).
What is the date of publication? (or year of the volume)
Sources of official versions of Federal and Ontario statutes and regulations respectively.
What is Justice Laws and e-Laws?
Ratio Decidendi
What is the binding part of the case, or legal principle the case stands for?...the reason for the decision