Who is the bubbly blonde main character?
Elle Woods
What is the move that Elle teaches Paulette, that she says works 99.99% of the time?
Bend and Snap
What is the name of the university that Elle attends?
What is the name of the sorority that Elle is in?
Delta Nu
What is Elle's signature color/look?
Who is the boy the main character eventually ends up marrying?
Emmett Forrest
What is Brooke’s alibi for her husband’s murder?
She was at a spa getting liposuction
Why does Elle want to go to Harvard?
To prove to her ex-boyfriend Warner that she is serious enough for him
Who gives Elle a new attitude to stay at Harvard?
Emmett Forrest
What university is Elle at during the start of the musical?
Who is the professor of the legal class the main characters are in at Harvard?
Professor Callahan
How does Elle prove that Brooke could not have had an affair?
She forces the boy to confess he is gay
Where is Harvard University?
Cambridge, Massachusetts
(Boston is good too)
What test does Elle take to get into Harvard?
What is Warner's full name?
Warner Huntington III
Who is the new girlfriend Warner has when Elle arrives at Harvard?
Vivian Kensington
Who is the maniac stepdaughter of Brooke?
What does Vivian do to embarrass Elle?
Tells her to dress inappropriately for a costume party
Why does Warner break up with Elle?
She isn't "serious enough" for him
What country is Paulette's favorite?
Paulette Bonaforte
How does Elle eventually prove that Chutney committed the murder, not Brooke?
She realizes Chutney’s perm was still intact, which made her story not work out.
What does Professor Callahan do to make himself look like a pervert?
He tries to kiss Elle
What is Elle expecting Warner to do at their romantic dinner?
Propose to her
What are the first two words said in the musical?
Dear Elle