Writer of the play 'Romeo and Juliet'
Who is William Shakespeare?
quagga food allergy
What is shellfish?
The big rock in the middle of australia
What is Uluru?
alex high school
What is Indooroopilly State High?
The largets primate on the island of Borneo
What is Orangutan?
Century in which the American civil war took place?
What is Nineteenth Century?
quang first degree
what is Psychology?
what is Yemen?
alan favourite football team
what is Arsenal?
Only continent without monkey
What is Antarctica?
Winner of the 2010 FIFA world cup
What is Spain?
Quang street address
What is 55 Kulgun Ct?
smallest country in the world
what is Vatican City?
What is Eric?
Group of monkey is called
What is troop?
Third Letter of the Greek alphabet
What is Gamma?
name of quagga brother
Who is Khoa Nguyen?
Gabon is on this continent
Where is Africa?
alex place of birth
where is Canberra?
largest monkey species
What is Mandrill?
Who is Pete Sampras?
quang's penile percentage
What is 99th?
Country with the ruble as it's currency
alex favourite movie
what is Definitely Maybe?
number of miles away a howler monkey can be heard
What is 10 miles?