First 2d Zelda Game
First 3d Zelda game
Ocarina of time
First dungend in Oot
Inside the Deku Tree
The 2nd most popular sword in the franchise
The Map maker in Majora's mask
The 2nd 2d Zelda game
The adventure of Link
The Zelda Game on the 3ds.
Link between Worlds
What does all the major dungeons in Oot end with as a adult.
The first two handed sword
The Biggoron Sword
"Hey, Listen" is their most famous line
Navi from Oot
The 2d Zelda game where you make the Four Sword
Minish Cap
What Game was remade into a 3d game on switch
Links Awakening
What is the dungeon that is in most Zelda games.
Hyrule castle
The 2nd two handed sword
The Fierce Deity Sword
Guardian of the Kokri forest
The Deku tree
The Game where Link lives with his uncle
Link to the past
The Zelda Game where you make the master sword
Skyward Sword
What are most of the Dungeons based on
A essential tool in many of Links adventures. It lances a arrow head that sticks into objects and pulls you towards them.
The Hookshot
Was first introduced in Wind Waker and is in breath of the wild and fly with leaf helicopters
The year the First Zelda game was released
The 2nd 3d Zelda game
Majora's Mask
What do you earn after the Water Temple In Oot
The Water Medalion
Is the only item besides the master sword able to reflect Ganon's magic in Oot
Empty Bottle