If Jhin didn't have his own region, he most likely would have been in this region instead
What is Ionia
Who is xerath
After playing this card on your next draw a random unit in your hand gains +1|+1
Who is Byrd, The Bellringer
this card can wipe both boards but at a hefty cost
What is Runination
"By my honor, you must die!"
Who is Fiora
This region has only one card that Does something when your deck only contains cards from that region
What is Shurima
Who is Zoe
What is Fated
This card grants the cards in your hand,deck,and play a certain keyword
What is Glorious Evolution
"Do not fear the shrouded path."
Who is zed
With the new update all regions got a new "Tellstones" cards, apart from one region. (double jeopardy if you know why)
Annie's bear (tibbers) has this demon inside of it.
Who is Tybaulk
This dragon is the only dragon that gets (+0|+2), Due to how a certian keyword Functions.
Who is Mountain drake
You play Ferros Financier in your Shadow Isles deck, name 4 spells that you can manifest from SI using this card.
Ferros Financier:2 mana 2|2 play:manifest a 6+ cost spell from your regions.
What are Brood Awakening, Piercing Darkness, Vengeance, Atrocity, Dawning Shadow, The Harrowing, The Ruination
"Enough! I'll end this!"
This region has got the most champions in all of the regions. (Double Jeopardy if you guess the number correctly)
What is Bandle city, 12 champions
This champion is a Tomb raider
Who is Sivir
This spell yield the largest buff possible in terms of stats in the game.(excluding doubling your stats and bard)
What is For Demacia!,(also Yordles in Arms)
For Demacia!:Give allies +3|+3 this round
Explaination:you have 6 units on board, you play For Demacia, you gain (+3|+3)*6 = (+18|+18) = +36 in stats
This card could mill you (empty your deck) in a specifc deck when ever you play her.
What is SandSeer
"There is only one true light."
Who is Solari Shieldbearer
There are 5 cards that can rally in Noxus name 3 of them
what is apprehend,Shunpo,Incisive Tactician,Katarina(lvl 2),Sion Returned (sion lvl 2's last breath)
She has 4 cards Expanding her story.
Who is Cithria
There are a total of 8 champions that get a different base stats change upon reaching level 2(other than +1|+1), name 3 of them.
Who are Jhin(+0|+0), Elise(+2|+0), Darius(+4|+1), VI(+8|+1), Galio(+0|+2), Nautilus(+13|+1), Sion(+7|+0), Tryndamere(+1|+5)
There are 4 spells that can stop other spells in the game, these are (Nopeify!, Deny, Rit Of Negation, and ____)
What is Memory's Cloak
"What the **** is that?". double Jeopardy if you know when this line is said (exept ash, he probably cuz he probably knows XD)
Who is Draven, its said when teemo is summoned against draven