when does Rauru first appear in totk?
The temple of time duhh
what game is the scariest
majoras mask
how many fairy fountains are there (totk)
4 (- malayna)
what memorie does Sonia die
Memorie 9
what game is the 2nd scariest game
twilight princess hd
how many twilight princess manga's are there
when is the master sword most powerful
when its made
what is the hardest game
zelda 2
how many chapters are in the twilight princess books
58 chapters
What game does beedle first appear in?
Wind Waker
what is the easiest game
twilight princess (according to google)
does ganon use the evil spirit armor
How many signs does addison hold up?
hmmmm what is a good question Why did they make a minecraft movie
because they are stoopid
what are the three main components of the tri force
wisdom, courage, and power