When is mom and dad's anniversary
May 4, (tbh the year changes every year so i have no idea)
what was dads solution when the wheels of one side of the van went out?
The old hub caps went on one side and the new hub caps went on the other side, since people only look at one side of the car anyway.
What was the name of lilli and valle's favorite bartender in Punta Cana?
eddie rich, eddie broke, eddie murphy
where did Brant and Kayli meet?
(Bonus points if you can also say when and where they got married)
Stonewall orchard
BONUS: October 21, 2022, PCB
when we were heading to chicago on september 4, 2010, how did mom feel about every leggett in the car according to her facebook?
"every leggett in this car is on my nerves!"
how did poor mother break her leg?
She got run over by a motorcycle while on a date with mr ratchet (not my dad), who wanted her to hold his wallet in her back pocket and judged her for getting a mountain dew at 6 in the morning (sounds like a nightmare guy tbh)
what did dad do in the ruby red minivan on their way out of town?
Drove through the carwash with their luggage tied to the top of the car
what was the best christmas we have ever had ever?
Christmas in St. Louis circa 2010.
what is brants lucky number and why?
34, tbh i have no idea, brant, please explain.
what happened to mom on august 10, 2009 according to her facebook post when all the kids went back to school
she started an electrical fire, slipped and fell into the dog pool, spilled her pop all over the floor, and dropped all the leftovers. She was, and I quote, "a wreck"
what did dad do when he visited moms house in KC for the first time?
Did a backflip on her trampoline and went a little too far, resulting in a tumble off of said trampoline
what did mom and dad pack on their way out of town when pa died?
The essentials, 2 lbs of ground beef, thats it.
What did thr scary homeless man ask lilli in Miami?
Can I get a Kissssss?
no, she claims.
You're not very nice on christmassss, what are you, the grinches wifeeeee.
How many jobs has Valle had within the past 5 years?
BONUS: if you can name what the jobs were.
Panera (two weeks), buddyz, Salon Receptionist, Montini Aftercare, Montini receptionist, Receptionist at MCC library (2 days), Look at Logan (current)
what is the one and only reason mom regrets having four kids, according to her post on November 16, 2009?
what song accurately describes mom and dads marriage?
True Love by P!nk
What did mom find at the bottom of her cup one day when she was making a glass of ice water?
an onion ring.
Which bartender in Punta Cana had the coolest name
LILIANDER (sick name)
What are the names of Elle's cars?
Carl, Karen, Earl, Esmeralda
what did mom say about baby valle to aunt susan on facebook 14 years ago?
"valle looks like an alien baby - she was/is a strange one..." (ouch town)
what does mom do when she wants to show us the lyrics to a song (you must act this out)
She sings the lyric, and then says the lyric directly after it is sang.
what happened to mom's headphones at approximately 5 am at the Mchenry rec?
Nothing. She sat in the lobby for 30 minutes trying to get them paire. She told the people at the desk not to worry, she was just trying to get her headphones paired. Later, she walked into the gym, happy go lucky. "I got them! I got them!" she exclaimed. She in fact, did not have them. She was blaring p!nk out of her phone at 5:30 AM.
What did David from Punta Cana keep doing, instead of just going to bed?
So, so many things. He would not stop looking directly into my mother's eyes, He kept falling and spilling beer everywhere, and then would get up and keep dancing, he would spit all over us while talking, and was overall, was an absolute mess.
what was the only thing lilli wanted for christmas in Mount Vernon?
a black cabbage patch kid.
according to mom's facebook post on January 28, 2010, why was valle crying?
Dad was pulling valle's ear to get her tooth out, then when said tooth was out, valle cried because she looked ugly. Quote, "ugh... girl drama."