The Sky's the Limit
Water you talking bout?
Animals are people too
This Land is Your Land
Hazardous Smazardous
This legislation created ambient standards for the four primary pollutants. It also sets emission standards for cars.
What is the Clean Air Act?
This sets objectives for restoring and maintaining the chemical and physical and biological safety of the American water supply.
What is the Clean Water Act?
This program provides protection for certain species of animals and plants that can't seem to catch a break.
What is The Endangered Species Act?
This act protects rivers and river segments with great views, historical significance, or wildlife.
What is the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act?
This act gives the federal government the authority to respond and clean up hazardous substances that are spilled, improperly disposed of, or released into the environment.
What is Superfund?
This treaty was designed to phase out chemicals that prove harmful to the ozone layer.
What is the Montreal Protocol?
This act made it illegal for anyone to dump or transport for the purpose of dumping sewage, sludge, or industry's many wastes into the big ol' blue.
What is the Ocean Dumping Ban Act?
This act helps protect all migratory bird species, they thank you everyday with a constant reminder on the windshield.
What is the Migratory Bird Treaty Act?
This act created areas where Americans could enjoy the beauty of nature so that they will feel more inclined to leave the land for future generations to enjoy.
What is The Wilderness Act?
This gives the EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from the cradle to the grave. It includes generation,transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste.
What is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act?
This act made all those who sign lower their carbon emissions. Many developed nations didn't seem to want to deal with though
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
This was established to protect the quality of drinking water in the US, and it mostly focuses on ground and underground sources.
What is Safe Water Drinking Act?
This act prohibits the taking of marine mammals from US waters and by the taking of marine mammals from the high seas into the US by citizens.
What is the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
This requires strip coal mines to reclaim the land once their done.
What is the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act?
This act states that any pollution should be reduced whenever possible, and that it should be recycled into the environment safely if it cannot be reduced.
What is the Pollution Prevention Act?
This act helps keep our air safe from the constant poison given off by crop dusters and mass agriculture in general.
What is the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticde Control Act (FIFRA)?
This act also prevents improper ocean dumping but covers more countries.
What is the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act?
This act enforced by many governments states that no internation trade of a particular animal or plant species may not occur if that species survival is put into jeopardy as a result.
What is The Convetion on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
This act hellps secure the future of crucial resources by allowing their collection and periodic analysis of the resource's data and apprasials of its satus, condition, and trends.
What is the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act?
This act helps govern the transportation of hazardous materials and wastes. Its acronym could be reffered to as a unit.
What is Hazardous Materials Transportation Act(HAZMAT)?
The Clean Air Act regulates air emissions through these, a list of standards all automoblies must meet.
What is National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)?
This act helped establish a 200-mile zone off the coast of the US that basically means "hands off" to everybody else
What is the Fisher Conservation and Management Act or the Magnuson-Stevens Fisher Act?
This agency is devoted to protecting all endangered species and the environment in general.
What is the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)?
This act allows the US Secretary of Agriculture to manage national forests for recreation, wildlife habitat, and timber production. He does this by following a code built on these environmentally friendly principles.
What is Multiple Use and Sustainable Yield Act?
This is the official name for the Superfund legislation, get this right and you will get a five for sure.
What is the Comprehensive, Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)?