How many total representatives are there between the H.o.R and Senate?
What is the House of Reps. based on?
How long is a senator's term?
6 years
What is a political group called? (Democratic, Republician, Green, etc...)
What is TN named? (Not relevant)
The Volunteer State
What is the Kindergarten definition of what the Legislative branch does?
Make laws
How many voting representatives are there?
435 voting members
How many voting representatives are there?
What article is this branch established by?
Article I
What are the names of the Tennessee Senators?
Senator Bill Hagerty and Senator Marsha Blackburn.
How many terms can senators and representatives run for?
2 years
What is the Vice President's role in the senate?
President of the Senate
Why does legislation normally have 535 legislators, but when in the electoral college there are 538?
There are 3 from the District of Colombia. (D.C.)
How many legislators does TN have?
What does the bicameral consist of?
The lower and upper house (H.o.R, Senate).
What is the current name of the Speaker of the House? Bonus - What place in line are they to presidency after the President?
age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.
Makes Laws, Declare War.
How many districts does Tennessee have?
DAILY DOUBLE: What district are you in?
9 (Daily Double Check:
How much of the senate is up for re-election at one time?
must be at least 25 years old, a United States citizen for at least seven years and reside in the state they represent.
What is the 2nd leadership position in the Senate, and what is the current name of the person in this spot?
President Pro-Tempore, Patty Murray
What do Congressional Committees do?
Committees look at the way that government functions; identify issues that require review; gather and evaluate information; and make legislative recommendations
Who are the TN Representatives?
Diana Harshbarger, Tim Burchett, Chuck Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, Andy Ogles, John Rose, Mark E. Green, David Kustoff, Steve Cohen (D)