The main purpose of the legislative branch.
What is the act of making laws?
The part of Congress that gets to vote on bills.
What is the House of Representatives?
The two houses that make up Congress.
What are the Senate and the House of Representatives?
True or False: Congress cannot coin money.
Is this false?
The amendment that took longest to be ratified.
What is the twenty-seventh Amendment?
The amount of steps it takes to make a law.
What is seven?
The maximum years a representative can be in office.
What are two years?
The average length of a term in the Senate.
What is six years?
Congress has tax limits. These are what Congress cannot tax.
What are church activities, exports in transit, and federal elections?
The year Congress legalized and legislated the metric system.
What a bill needs to have in order to be passed.
What is the President's signature?
The number of people that are in the House of Representatives.
What is four hundred thirty-five?
The maximum years a Congressman can be in office.
What is 'until they die, retire, or don't get enough votes'? (There are no maximums)
What can Congress NOT do: establish post offices, maintain a navy, declare war, pass bills of attainder.
What are passing bills of attainder?
The subject of the 1964 Wesberry vs. Sanders court case.
What is gerrymandering?
The amount of time a bill takes to pass if Congress is in session but is not actively working towards or against the bill.
What are ten days?
A petition that forces members of Congress to keep a bill in committee for thirty days.
What is a discharge petition?
The person that can prorogue a session in Congress.
Who is the president?
The act of preventing a bill from passing by stretching discussion time past limitations.
What is a filibuster?
The amount of time the Line Item Veto Act lasted.
What is two years?