How should you transition into the room?
Quietly without disturbing the class.
Should you leave your table spot while the teacher is teaching?
No, raise your hand if you need something (pencil, restroom, etc.)
Where do you return your Legos?
To the Lego bins in the correct spot.
What should you do before you leave the room during class?
Sign out on the clipboard and get a pass.
Can you use the calm-down area whenever you want?
No! It is there when you need it, but you must ask verbally.
How should we transition?
Quickly and quietly.
Where do we keep my pencil box?
On the table in the middle.
What do you use when building with the kits?
The instructions online or the building books from the kits.
Should you leave the room when the teacher is at the front teaching?
Who can you ask to visit the calm down corner?
A teacher
Should we run when we transition inside the room?
What is the most important thing to remember about your table spot?
Be respectful to my materials
Should you take the Legos from the classroom?
No! These take a long time to replace the pieces.
Where do you put the pass when you return?
Back on the hook!
When might you need the calm down corner?
When you are misbehaving, frustrated, sad, or anxious about something.
When is the right time to leave the classroom?
When the teacher says to leave with your teacher.
Can you switch your assigned seat?
Not without the teachers' permission.
What is not to be in the Lego class?
Food and drinks beside water!
What is how we should line up?
Line up by the wall with the science words.
The STEM Library is for?
It is the quiet area.
Should you be talking in the hallway?
No, this is so we can hear the teachers' instructions.
Why do we have assigned seats?
Seating is for your protection and to keep us having fun.
Do we break the Legos?
Line up on the second tile.
Face forward.
Quietly follow your teacher.
What are hallway responsabilities?
Can the teacher send you to the calm-down area?
Yes, if you're not acting right.