When you feel joy?
Who is the ice master?
How do you greet someone you've just met?
say "hi"
look at them
smile at them
who is red x?
Your brother won't stop bothering you, and you want alone time. What could you say to him?
"stop bothering me"
"i need space"
"i need alone time"
Feeling when you are crying?
who is the lightning master?
you're trying to say hi to someone, but they keep ignoring you. What should you do?
let them be
leave them alone
who was cyr\borg before he became half robot?
victor stone
your dad is telling you to clean your room, but you just want to keep playing video games. what should you do?
clean and play games after done
Feeling when you are scared?
who is the element master of earth
your friend is calling you mean names. What would you say to them to tell them you don't like it?
"I don't like that"
"can you stop calling me names"
"I feel ___ when you call me names"
what does beast boy turn into?
any animal
someone at school is trying to cheat off of your homework. What should you do?
tell the teacher
another emotion for mad? The feeling when you rage? The feeling that makes you feel unfair?
who is the master of fire
my friend is annoying me and i want alone time, how can i communicate this to them?
can you please leave me alone?
who is the main villan of the teen titans
my teacher is telling me to do something that i don't understand. what can i do?
teel them i dont under stand
feeling when you don't like something? Feeling when you're grossed out?
who is lord garmadom son
have a good day
good to see you
who is the leader
your brother is touching your stuff when you are gone. how can you tell him that you don't like this?
please stop touching my stuff
I feel upset when you touch my stuff