This uncooked brand of pickled cucumbers originated in Woodstock, Illinois.
What is Claussen?
This chalky disc hails from a New England Confectionery Company through the merger of several small confectionery companies located in the Greater Boston area, with ancestral companies dating back to the 1840s.
What are Necco wafers?
Leif has never said this to anyone.
What is "Won't you be my neighbor?"
This action makes Leif squirmy.
What is sharing feelings?
This is how Dani gets Leif to do stuff for her.
What are blowies?
This day celebrates the year's most important food where you can learn more about the snack that's so much more than just a sidekick to your sandwich.
What is November 14th, National Pickle Day?
This Willy Wonka delight comes in many different flavors with candy sticks that are included.
What is Fun Dip? (Will also accept Lik-M-Aid and Lik-A-Stix as acceptable answers.)
This mystery and intrigue surrounds Fred Rogers regarding his traditional sweater change until this very day.
What are full-sleeve tattoos?
This transcontinental event gave Leif polygamy rights.
What is traveling to Africa with three hot laydayz?
This phrase is classic Dani.
What is la di da di da?
What are double martinis?
This has become one of the most contentious confectionary debates of our time.
What is the difference in taste between Cadbury's Dairy Milk chocolate on either side of the Atlantic?
This Land of Make Believe character resembles Leif most.
Who is Lady Elaine Fairchilde?
This flagrant act of affection is detested by Leif.
What is touching other people?
This is Dani's biggest mistake of 2019.
What is Dudley?