Pippa's favorite vegetable.
What is green beans?
The restaurant where Mom and Dad met.
What is Olive Garden?
The place every kid has picked to go on their 16th birthday trip.
What is New York City?
The two pet names that make the nickname 'cunny'.
What is cutie and honey?
The dog who killed Lauryn's hamster in her room.
Who is Scooter?
Pippa's birth month.
What is June?
The owner of the South Jordan Chick-fil-A while the Leiseth kids worked there.
Who is Becky Pickle?
The place where 'Did somebody hear a rip?' happened.
What is Maui, Hawaii?
The Jones family cat naming contest winner.
What is
Nanny's nickname for fireworks with green and orange in it.
What is Peas and Carrots?
The year Pippa became a Leiseth!
What is 2011?
Mom's usual Swig order.
What is the Founder?
The city where birds pooped on both Jack and Lauryn within the same day.
What is Vatican City?
The nickname of the old family home in Herriman (on Autumn Dusk).
What is the Triangle House?
The branch of the military Grandpa served in.
What is the Marines?
The person who gave Mom the idea for the name Pippa.
Who is Pippa Middleton?
The food that made Jack quit his job at Chick-fil-A
What is the Spicy Chicken Sandwich?
The country where Dad won vacation tickets to from a radio station.
What is Mexico?
The other name Mom was considering name Sydney before she was born.
What is Diane?
The company Hailey served as an intern for this summer.
What is Boeing?
Pippa's original name from the Humane Society.
What is Diamond?
What is mayo, or parmesan, or garlic powder?
Our original vacation destination when our flight got delayed for 7 hours in Dallas.
What is Puerto Rico?
The name Dad had to go by while using his fake ID.
What is Shannon?
What is Lithuania?