Leisure Definitions
Types of Leisure
Leisure Places/Community Resources
Leisure Coping Methods
Benefits from Leisure

What is Creative Leisure?

Using free time to engage in activities that allow for personal expression, creativity, and self-fulfillment. 


Give an example of a social leisure activity.

Examples: playing board games with friends, attending a concert, joining a book club, having coffee with friends, playing on a sports league, group fitness classes, art class, etc. 


Name 2 different forms of transportation you can use to get yourself to and from work/school or leisure activities. 

Examples: Car, rental car, uber/lyft/taxi, public bus, bike, electric scooter, etc. 

Name a type of leisure style that may help a person to cope with anxiety. 

Relaxation or spiritual leisure style. 


How is physical activity beneficial for an individuals well-being? 

"Physical activity can help prevent or maintain control in some chronic illnesses such as: heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and even some types of cancer.” Physical activity done over a consistent period can also help improve overall quality of life and assist in longevity. Examples: Exercising, playing games, golf, bike riding, basketball, etc. 


What does freedom from the environment mean?

Not being constrained or limited by the conditions of your surroundings, essentially implying the ability to live and make choices without being significantly impacted by factors like pollution, climate change, resource scarcity, or the quality of your local ecosystem, allowing for a greater degree of personal autonomy and agency within your environment. 

What is relaxation leisure and what are different forms of it? 

Definition: using free time to engage in activities that specifically aim to reduce stress and promote a state of calmness. 

Examples: listening to music, reading, taking a warm bath, meditating, yoga, going on a walk, coloring, stretching, deep breathing, etc. 


Name 2 free activities to do in the cities. 

Examples: Minneapolis Institute of Art, Como Zoo, Minneapolis Sculpture garden, Lake Harriet, Walker Art Center, Bde Mka Ska, Mall of America, farmers market, explore canal park (duluth), find a hiking trail, arboretum, free music in the park, art fairs, visit an animal shelter, etc. 


List five leisure activities that may help an individual cope while feeling depressed or anxious. 

Examples: writing in a journal, going on a walk, meditation, exercise, talking to someone, hanging out with family or friends, etc. 


How can games such as word searches, crossword puzzles, brain games, sudoku, or card games be beneficial to an individual's well-being?

Challenges your mental abilities, enhances your problem-solving skills, and improves memory. Most hobbies also offer mental stimulation in reference to completing the task.


What is the definition of leisure?

Leisure is time free from obligations, work (paid and unpaid) and tasks required for existing (sleeping/eating). 


What are some examples of cognitive leisure?

Examples: Reading, playing cards, chess, board games, puzzles, memory games, playing an instrument, listening to stories, counting games, building with blocks, legos, exploring nature, etc. 


List 10 places that a person may engage in leisure.

Examples: bookstore, shopping center, restaurants, sports arena, park, museum, gym, pool, art galleries, theaters, beaches, hiking trails, zoos, amusement parks, outdoor recreational areas, music venues, fair grounds, cafes/coffee shops, community centers, national parks, bowling ally, garden centers, swimming pools, golf courses, cultural centers, ski resorts, camping grounds, dance studios, etc. 


How can having a leisure coping method help an individual overcome negative feelings? 

Helps you to regain control, to identify problems and extinguish things/people that may be stressful, help to reduce stress, etc. 


True or False: activities such as board games, contests, art, and anything that involves self-expression and socialization can improve self-esteem. 



What makes leisure different from recreation?

Leisure is the time away from work and other obligations (ex: a time for personal interests).

Recreation is the activities people do during their leisure time (ex: painting, going on a walk, reading, playing games, hanging out with friends). 

What is physical leisure and what are some forms of it?

Definition: Any physical activity that a person chooses to do in their free time, essentially meaning exercise or recreational sports performed for enjoyment rather than as a necessary daily task.

Examples: going for a walk, swimming, yoga, hiking, biking, dancing, gardening, playing tennis/pickleball, basketball, football, soccer, baseball, gymnastics, going for a run, etc.


What is the name of a famous park?

Examples: Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, Arches National Park

MN parks: Afton State Park, Boom island Park, Fort Snelling State Park, Interstate State Park, Gooseberry Falls, Itasca State Park, Tettegouche, Minnehaha Falls. 


What are unhealthy ways of coping with stress? 

Examples: drinking, overeating/undereating, zoning out for hours in front of the tv or computer, withdrawing from friends, family and activities. Sleeping too much, procrastinating tasks, taking out your stress on others, etc. 


True or False: Does engaging in leisure activities during the day create a restful night's sleep?

True: Being more active during the day helps create a more restful night’s sleep. Just be sure to do more active hobbies earlier in the day so you can be sure to have enough time to wind down before bed.


What is time management?

The act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, or productivity.  


What is spiritual leisure and what are some examples of it?

Definition: A way to nurture your spirit by doing activities you enjoy and allows you to submit to a higher power. 

Examples: meditation, prayer, grounding exercises, mindfulness, guided imagery, resting, journaling, and celebrating. 


Name 2 popular places to travel to or site see. 

Examples: Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Paris, Iceland, New York City, Disney World, Statue of Liberty, Niagra Falls, Eiffel Tower, National Museum of Natural History, etc. 


List 3 ways to identify when to use a healthy coping skill. 

Examples: look for signs of rising stress or strong negative emotions like anxiety, frustration, sadness, or physical tension. 

Key indicators: 

- physical sensations: tense muscles, rapid heartbeat, stomach upset

- emotional cues: anxious, overwhelmed, frustrated, sad, angry, on edge

- behavioral changes: increased irritability, withdrawing from social interactions, substance abuse, impulsive behavior

- triggering situations: encountering specific stressors or situations that typically lead to negative emotions


Name 3 benefits of leisure on your mental health. 

Examples: elevated mood, improved self-esteem, improved social connections, better memory, heightened mental alertness, physical health improvement, reduce stress, better sense of purpose, promotes positive emotions, etc. 
