How many players are there on the court at one time during a basketball game?
Which RT grew up in Guelph?
What is the name of our public transit system?
Kingston Transit
What are some of the functional benefits of Bingo?
Improve processing speeds, improve concentration, encourages the use of fine motor skills, increases social interactions
What sport can be played as a team of 2 or a team of 6?
Which RT listens to Mister Rogers when stuck in traffic to decompress?
What is the name of the organization where seniors can attend a variety of engaging programs with a membership?
Seniors Association Kingston (The Seniors Centre)
What are some of the functional benefits of Gardening (Eco-Therapy)?
Utilizes life skills, promote reminiscing, maintains gross/fine motor skills, provides sensory opportunities
What game involves throwing bean bags towards a target from a distance?
Which RT has never seen any of the Harry Potter movies or read any of the books?
What is the name of the program in Kingston where individuals can apply to receive lowered costs to participate in recreational programming in the city?
Municipal Fee Assistance Program
What are some of the functional benefits of Meditation?
Promotes relaxation response, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure
What is the term in bowling when you achieve 3 strikes in a row?
Which RT has vacationed in Prince Edward Island 10 times?
What is the name of the studio in Kingston where anyone can go and participate in different artistic crafts (including painting, pottery, photography, etc) for free?
The Mess Studio
What are some of the functional benefits of Chair Yoga?
Promotes self-expression, promotes breathing techniques, decreases social isolation
What is the most powerful piece in a game of chess?
The Queen
Which RT played competitive basketball and softball?
Hailyne AND Candice
What are the four featured public parks in Kingston?
Breakwater Park, City Park, Grass Creek Park, and Lake Ontario Park
What are some of the functional benefits of Trivia?
Improve social skills, improve cognition, utilize critical thinking reminiscing and problem-solving skills
Board Games
Passive AND Social