Blast from the Past
New Generation
Skills & Interest

What are Jacks?


A place to post pictures/videos, connect with family &friends, and keep up with the latest trends.

What is Social Media?


Name 2 opposite interest that you have

Basketball and Crocheting, Video games and Hip-Hop Dancing, Rock painting and Baking.


T or F: Engaging in Recreation & Leisure is a healthy alternative to (insert substance) .



Tell the group about and Healthy Recreation/Leisure activity you have been wanting to do but just haven't gotten around to it.

Ask yourself why it is you have not gotten around to it. If its money make a budget plan and set aside small amounts to save up. If its because you don't have anyone to go with. Ask yourself if it would still be something you find enjoyable if you went alone. etc.


A game played with two long ropes swung in opposite directions so that they cross rhythmically.

What is Double Dutch


Minecraft, Fortnight, Mario Kart, Just Dance are all example of what?

What are Video Games?


Name 3 skills you need to play basketball.

Jump, Dribble, Run, Catch, Throw, Defense, Offense, Memorizing plays, Blocking,


Name one activity that you could easily turn to when you begin to have a craving.

Coloring, Going for a walk, Talking to a friend, Watching a move, Working out, Video games, Crocheting, Apps on your phone etc.


You are going CAMPING! List 5 things you need to take with you.

Sleeping bag, Tent, Food, Water, Pajamas, Pot, Games, S'mores, Fire starting kit, A book of scary stories, Toothbrush, Toilet paper, Towel, Comb, Walking Shoes etc.


The wooden building blocks used before Legos.

What are Lincoln Logs.


Virtual reading, no hard copies necessary.

What is E-reading?


T or F: In order to attend a book club you have to already be an AVID reader.

FALSE. Even if you are not particularly good at something doesn't mean you cant try and develop different skills.


Name 2 sober resources here in San Antonio.

San Antonio Public Library, Operation Comfort, VA Whole Health, Operation Healing Waters,


You only have 20$ and want to treat your friend to a fun day out. What are 2 low budget activities you can do?

Picnic, Visit a McCAllister park, Cook together, Geocaching, Go to a matinee, Float the river, Visit the Alamo, Donation Yoga class, Rolling Rey's Ice-cream ect.


Where would you find Galactica , Centipede, Pac-Man, & Donkey Kong?

What is an Arcade?


A machine that has changed the way we see art. Bringing models, sculptures, and anything your hearts desires to life.

What is 3D Printing?


I like to be creative, work with my hands, and work with lots of colors.

Painting, Knitting, Crocheting, Character drawings, Cross stich, Jewel Art, Sculpture


Name 2 places you can find Sober friends.

Church, AA meetings, Facebook sober groups, Mutual family and friends, etc.


You planned to go eat at the new restaurant on the Riverwalk with your friend! Your friend bails on you at the last moment. You still really want to try it out. Give the group 2 different scenarios of what you do next.

Go by yourself, Ask another friend, Order to-go, Reschedule with that friend


Rodger Rabit, Kid n' Play and Butterfly are all.

What are Old School Dance moves? (Bonus points if you show the group)


A modern & trendy sport that consists of jumping from building to building in a place referred to as the "urban gym".

What is Parkour?


If you like to solve mysteries, work with others, and discuss real life possibilities what recreation activity would you recommend to someone to try out?

Escape rooms, true crime meet ups, Netflix documentaries, Facebook Interest groups, Clue, Murder mystery dinner parties


You are at a family/friend gathering. You are all enjoying yourself when someone takes out (insert substance). Tell the group what you would do to help yourself maintain your sobriety. 

Leave, Call accountability partner, Stay & Refuse, Ask


A new movie just came out and you cant wait to see it! Walk the group through the details of your planning process to go see the new film. Consider things such as what time, what day works best, transportation, and who you would want to bring with you. 

