How many days does Lent last for?
40 days
On what day do Maronites begin Lent?
Ash Monday
On what day was Jesus crucified?
Good Friday
What is the liturgical colour for Lent?
How many Sundays are there in Lent?
6 Sundays
On what day do we remember The Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples?
Holy Thursday
Where did Jesus fast for 40 days?
In the wilderness/desert
What symbol represents Palm Sunday?
Palm branches
How many days did Jesus spend in the tomb?
3 days
What do we celebrate on Easter Sunday?
Jesus' resurrection
Who helped Jesus carry His cross to Calvary?
Simon of Cyrene
How is Ash for Ash Monday made?
By burning palm leaves from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations
How many Stations of the Cross are there?
14 stations
What do we celebrate on Palm Sunday?
Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
How many times did Jesus fall in the Stations of the Cross?
3 times
Lent is a time to focus on three main practices. What are they?
Fasting, Prayer Almsgiving
On what date does Lent start for Maronites this year?
March 3rd
Name a saint that has a feast day during Lent.
St Joseph, St Patrick, St Rafqa
What do the ashes on our foreheads represent?
Repentance and turning towards God