Lent Begins on This Day.
Ash Wednesday
Your family attends Stations of the Cross during lent.
Saint Joseph is the husband of _________.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Mardis Gras is the day before ___________.
Ash Wednesday
The sign of the cross.
Lent lasts this many days.
Your family volunteers at a soup kitchen.
Good Works
Joseph's profession or job.
This is the English translation of Mardis Gras.
Fat Tuesday
The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are made from this.
Burning the palms from the prior year's Palm Sunday.
The liturgical color of lent.
Purple or Violet
You give up video games during lent.
The people of Sicily, Italy prayed to Saint Joseph for help with this.
Drought (lack of rain).
The three traditional colors of Mardi Gras.
Green, Purple and Gold.
Ash Wednesday comes from the Old Testament tradition of wearing ashes and this as a sign up repentance.
Sack Cloth
During lent we are preparing to review our __________ at Easter.
On the feast day of Saint Joseph, some people set up a Saint Joseph's altar with three stairs that symbolize this.
The Holy Trinity
What does it mean if you find the baby in the king cake?
You have to bring the king cake next year.
Other traditions: you have to host the Mardi Gras party the next year, you will have good luck for a year.
Lent ends on this day.
Holy Thursday
Your parish organizes a food drive during lent.
Good Works
Who appeared to Joseph in a dream to tell him not to be afraid and to take Mary as his wife.
The Angel of the Lord
The first Mardi Gras in the United States was celebrated in this city.
Mobile, Alabama
This fast food item was added to the menu for Catholics that were abstaining.