This day marks that there are 40 days until Easter and begins the Lenten season.
What is Ash Wednesday?
People commit this when they make a mistake and do not follow God's commandments.
What is sin?
Ashes for Ash Wednesday are made out of this
What are palm leaves?
This is the day when we remember Jesus' death and crucifixion. Roman soldiers took him to the place where he was crucified on this day and nailed him to the cross.
What is Good Friday?
Christians who take bread and drink wine during church are participating in this.
What is Holy Communion?
During Lent on Fridays, most people eat this. Jesus also used this food to feed 5,000.
What is fish?
This is the day where Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, accompanied by his disciples, while crowds of people covered the streets ahead of him with their cloaks and with palm branches.
What is Palm Sunday?
A follower of Jesus who believed in Him.
What is a disciple?
This is a pillar of lent where we give aide to those in need. This can be through money or donating our time.
What is almsgiving?
"For ____ you are and to ____ you will return." Genesis 3:19.
What is dust?
On this day, Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and celebrated the Feast of the Passover, instituting the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
What is Maundy Thursday or The Last Supper?
A celebration for your first time taking communion (usually in 4th or 5th grade).
What is First Communion?
This is not celebrated on Good Friday services
What is the Eucharist?
This is the symbol we wear on Ash Wednesday to show our repentance of sin.
What is the cross?
This is the day when Jesus was risen from the dead and resurrected into new life.
What is Easter Sunday?
The day that celebrates God's leading the Israelites out of slavery into Egypt.
What is the Passover?