What is the meaning of the ashes?
A symbol of repentance and mortality
What is a common Lenten prayer?
The Stations of the Cross / The Rosary
What does fasting mean?
To not have food or drink or specific food or drink such as snacks or that which is not necessary for survival. Some give up things that are "indulgences" such as meat or candy.
What is removed from the altar during Lent?
What day does Holy week begin?
Palm Sunday
On what day does Lent begin?
Ash Wednesday
Where did Jesus pray before his arrest?
The Garden of Gethsemane
What days are we required to fast?
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday -- Some also give up meat on Fridays during Lent
What is the Gloria?
A hymn of praise
What is the last supper?
The Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples
What color vestments are worn?
Violet or Purple
What is a good way to improve prayer?
Finding a quiet space, reading scripture, journaling
What is the purpose of fasting?
To strengthen our spirit and focus on God
What is the importance of the readings especially during Lent?
They help us reflect on Jesus's sacrifice
What day did Jesus die?
Good Friday
What is the sign of the cross made with and where at the Ash Wednesday service?
Made with ashes on our foreheads
What does prayer do for our relationship with God?
Strengthens it
What are some modern ways to fast?
Social media, television, certain foods
What is the meaning of the stations of the cross?
They tell the story of Jesus's journey to Calvary
What is the vigil?
The Easter Vigil, the celebration of Jesus's resurrection
What old testament book do the readings come from?
What does it mean to pray Nonstop?
To always keep our hearts and minds turned toward God
Does everyone have to fast?
No, the young and elderly are exempt if they are unable.
What is the meaning of the word Hosanna?
O save us!
What is the meaning of the empty tomb?
Jesus' resurection