How many days were said to pass until Jesus would rise?
How many days in lent?
What Magic creature comes in St pattie’s day
a Leprechaun
What magic character comes on Easter?
The Easter Bunny
How many days in Triduum
Who told Mary Jesus rose
A man in silver and shiny stuff
Who tempted Jesus in the desert, and how many times
Satan/Devil, 3 times
What country is associated with saint Patrick’s day
What is the key symbol of “Fun” Easter
What day did Jesus ride into Jerusalem
Palm Sunday
Who was the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead.
Mary Magdalene
What are the 3 key things in lent
Prayer, fasting, almsgiving
Why was Saint Patrick in Ireland?
He was a slave
What is a popular candy only for easter
What are the three special days in Triduum called
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday
In what town did Thomas the Doubter, question Jesus’ resurrection
Name something besides lent with 40 days
Noah’s Ark, Moses on Mount Sinai
Why did Saint Patrick become a saint
He taught the guards and fellow slaves the Faith Of God.
What game is traditional on Easter
An Easter egg hunt
9th Station of the cross
Jesus falls for a 3rd time
Where was Jesus crucified
What did Jesus tempt Jesus with 3 times?
600 Points if you get it1st time, turn rocks into bread, second time, get angels to catch him is he pitched himself off a building, 3rd time, he would own all the kingdoms in the world, if he bowed to Satan/Devil
What was Saint Patrick’s Full, real name?
Maewyn Succat
What country were peeps invented in
Unites States
How many angels came down from heaven to tell the apostles Jesus ascended into heaven.