All Orthodox Christians are called to do this during Great Lent: not eating certain foods for the entire Lenten period, in an effort to draw closer to God.
The first pre-Lenten Sunday has this gospel reading, which shows how two men pray differently in the temple
The Publican and the Pharisee
Palm Sunday is the first Sunday of Holy Week, and it remembers when Jesus entered this city, and the children laid down a certain plant before him on the road
Pontius Pilate
Left or right?
Great Lent lasts for this many days, which is the same number of days that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert while being tempted by the devil during his life
The second pre-Lenten Sunday has this Gospel Reading, in which a man leaves his father's house for a faraway country.
The Prodigal Son
On the day before Palm Sunday: the day in which Jesus raised this man, Mary and Martha's brother, who was dead in the tomb for four days
These two men were crucified next to Jesus -- one on his right, and one on his left
Up or down?
This service is served on Wednesday nights during Great Lent.
Presanctified Liturgy
The third pre-Lenten Sunday has this Gospel reading, in which Jesus says that He was among the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, and the needy that the people saw for their entire lives. This is also the last Sunday to eat meat before Lent.
Sunday of the Last Judgment/Meatfare Sunday
On Holy Thursday, during the Passion Gospels service, we hear the story of how Jesus was betrayed by this disciple.
The first people to discover that Jesus had risen from the dead were these women, who were carrying a certain spice with them to anoint the body of Jesus.
Myrrhbearing Women
Fast or slow?
During the Divine Liturgy on Sundays, the priest prepares this, both for the faithful to partake in on Sunday, and for the faithful to partake in during the Wednesday service of Presanctified Liturgy
The Eucharist
The fourth and final pre-Lenten Sunday is called this, because the congregation goes around the church and ask one another for forgiveness. It is also the last day to eat dairy before Great Lent.
Forgiveness Sunday or Cheesefare Sunday.
Bridegroom Matins
Pascha, the Orthodox Word for Easter, comes from the same word as this word, which is a Hebrew holiday starting with the letter "P" that Jesus and the disciples were celebrating before he was crucified.
Day or night?
Besides fasting, these two other disciplines are also prescribed to practicing Orthodox Christians during Great Lent
Increased prayer and almsgiving
This is the name of the first day of Great Lent, the Monday immediately following Forgiveness Sunday
Clean Monday
On Holy Wednesday, this sacrament of the church is practiced in some churches. In this sacrament, the body is anointed with oil to heal infirmities and forgive sins.
Holy Unction
During the Pascha service, the Paschal sermon written by this famous saint (who also wrote the Divine Liturgy) is read.
St. John Chrysostom
Hot or cold