How many days long is the season of Lent?
40 days
What did Jesus give up for 40 days while in the desert?
Food and drink
What do many people in the United States and other countries eat on Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) before Lent begins?
Pancakes or doughnuts
Before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed in this garden, where He was later arrested. What is the name of this place?
The Garden of Gethsemane
This prayer is often said before meals to thank God for the food. What is it called?
What day does Lent begin each year?
Ash Wednesday
Who was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac because God asked him to?
In Mexico, what special reenactment takes place on Good Friday?
The Passion Play (Via Crucis)
This Roman governor sentenced Jesus to death, even though he found no fault in Him. Who was he?
Pontius Pilate
This is the practice of giving to the poor or those in need, especially during Lent, and is one of the key pillars of the season
Where do the ashes from Ash Wednesday come from?
The Last Years Palms from Palm Sunday
What did the poor widow in the temple offer as a sacrifice, even though she had very little?
Two small coins
In the Philippines, people walk through the streets on Good Friday, carrying what object to remember Jesus?
A Cross
This person denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed, fulfilling Jesus' prophecy. Who is he?
St. Peter
This Lenten devotion focuses on the 14 key events from the journey of Jesus to His crucifixion. What is it called?
The Stations of the Cross.
The 40 days of Lent represent the time Jesus spent where before beginning His public ministry?
The Desert
In the Old Testament, which prophet was thrown into a den of lions for refusing to stop praying to God?
What is the name of the traditional Polish bread eaten on Fat Thursday (the Thursday before Ash Wednesday)?
Jesus was crucified at this place, whose name means "place of the skull." What is this place called?
This is the prayer that Catholics say to ask for God's forgiveness and guidance, often said during Lent.
The Act of Contrition
What color does the priest wear during Lent to symbolize penance and preparation?
Which disciple was the only one to stay at the foot of the cross with Mary as Jesus was crucified?
John the Apostle
In Italy, people celebrate the last day before Lent with a big festival. What is it called?
This man helped Jesus carry His cross on the way to Golgotha. Who is he?
Simon of Cyrene
During Lent, Catholics are encouraged to give up one or more luxuries to grow in self-discipline. This practice is called what?