On what sunday during Lent does the priest bless palms?
What is Palm Sunday?
This is the Liturgical/ official color of Lent.
What is purple?
Last year's palms are burned to create this substance?
One of the most important saints in the bible but not a single word of his was written down in the bible. Has many titles -- my favorite is "The Terror of Demons."
His Feast Day is March 19
St. Joseph
Why does Lent last for 40 days?
Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting.
The day of celebration before Ash Wednesday where people often eat sweets before they begin their lenten fast.....
What is Fat Tuesday/ Mardi Gras?
What do we call praying before the blessed sacrament?
What sign does the priest/deacon make when placing the ashes on our forehead?
Sign of the Cross
No meat is allowed on this day of the week during lent
What sacrament do we participate in when we ask forgiveness of our sins?
What do the ashes remind us that we are made of?
On Fridays in Lent, we often reflect on a series of 14 steps that commemorate Jesus's final day on earth. This reflection is often depicted in 14 images/pictures around the inside of every church
The stations of the Cross.
What are the three main practices we do during lent....
What are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
What is the name of the official daily prayer of the Catholic Church?
What is the Liturgy of the Hours?
True or False: Ash Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation?
The Irish love to celebrate this saint on March 17....but, interestingly enough, he is actually not Irish.
St. Patrick
What do we call the day that Jesus was crucified?
Good Friday