This man once fasted for 40 days in the desert.
Jesus Christ
This simple food was a symbol of Lent because it looks like two arms folded in prayer.
A Pretzel
We use these to mark our foreheads at the beginning of Lent
This is the number of days in the season of Lent.
This is the number of times Jesus fell while carrying the cross.
The branches of this plant remind us of Jesus' entrance into the city of Jerusalem.
This food was traditionally eaten on the day before Lent begins.
Hot Cross Buns or Pancakes
This holiday marks the beginning of Lent
Ash Wednesday
The Feast of the Annunciation, held on March 25, celebrates the fact that this person said "yes" to God.
These symbols of Lent give us a chance to reflect on the crucifixion of Jesus.
The Stations of the Cross
Catholics do not eat this on Fridays during Lent.
This is the day right before the season of Lent begins.
Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday
This Irish saint has a feast day during the season of Lent.
St. Patrick
This word is never sang or said during the season of Lent
The priest wears this color vestment during Lent
On this Sunday during Lent, the priest blesses the palm fronds.
Palm Sunday
This man helped Jesus carry his cross after he was sentenced to death
Simon of Cyrene
This is the meaning of the word "lent"
This prayer is traditionally omitted from Mass during the season of Lent
The Gloria
This is the first day following the season of Lent
Good Friday