This Vtuber is known to have been nicknamed Yamada despite that not being in any part of her actual name
Who is Laplus Darkness?
A special sword made to slay demons in Demon Slayer
What is a Nichirin Sword?
A game genre where many teams are dropped into a large land mass and fight each other with random items they find for themselves.
What is a Battle Royale?
A fan created sonic character that constantly asks "Do you know da wey?"
This movie marketed itself with the character's catch phrase: "Somebody stop me!"
This is a concept of being prim and proper as a public persona
What is Seiso
Who is Kyuubey
A consistent trio that exists as different characters in many Final Fantasy titles?
Who is Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie?
A constant suffix to any form of threat that makes the statement (previously) defensible in court.
"-in minecraft."
This man was involved in many popular anime movies like "Paprika," "Tokyo Godfathers," and "Millennium Actress."
Who is Satoshi Kon?
This Nijisanji Vtuber was one of the leading streamers of 2019 ending the year with more than 400,000 subscribers
Who is Tsukino Mito
Known for ending animes in space with strange and nonsensical endings.
What is Gainax?
A gaming company that has a difficulty with counting to 3.
Who is Valve?
What "Is this loss?"
This is a Monster or a "kaiju" was awakened due to being empowered by nuclear radiation.
Who is Godzilla?
It was originally created to develop and market a mobile streaming app with Augmented Reality functions for concerts
This voice actress had become known to have roles with 8th grader syndrome and has a brother as her biggest fan.
Who is Maaya Uchida
A modded map in a Blizzard RTS game that birthed an entirely new genre of games.
What is DotA (Defense of the Ancients)?
A youtube video that ends with this dQw4w9WgXcQ
What is a Rickroll
What is "Rick Astley's - Never Gonna Give You Up"
This movie actor was always known to be the character that dies that he had actively started refusing scripts where his character is killed off at some point.
Who is Sean Bean?
Created to develop more convincing characters for visual novels.
What is Live2D
This character was known as the "Life Sewing Alchemist."
Who is Shou Tucker?
"La, Le, Lu, Le, and Lo."
Who are the patriots?
4chan infiltrated an online game called Habbo Hotel to block off the pool and produced this meme
"Pool's Closed."
Who is Robin?