What is Leonardo Da Vinci Mostly known for?
What were his Renaissance paintings?
How did Leonardo paint during the Renaissance?
What is realistically?
In what way did Leonardo Da Vinci write his 72 page long Codex journal about human human anatomy, science and geology?
What is reverse or backwards?
What's Leonardo Da Vinci's most popular painting that still stands today?
What is the Mona Lisa?
In what year did he pass away?
When was 1519?
How many paintings that Leonardo made still remain today?
How many is 17 paintings?
What are 17 paintings?
How many siblings did Leonardo have?
How many is twelve siblings?
In what year was he born?
when was 1452?
What does the "Last Supper" painting by Leonardo represent?
What was the last meal that Jesus had with the twelve apostles, before his crucifixion on the cross?
What is Leonardo considered?
What is a humanist?
In what subject did Leonardo study about the body?
What is human anatomy?
When was his scientific ideas revealed?
When was after his death?
Who taught Leonardo Da Vinci how to paint?
Who was the artist Andrea del Verrocchio?
What do people refer to when they talk about Leonardo's unbelievable logic or mastermind?
What's being ahead of your time?
What art technique did Leonardo Da Vinci use, so that it's a mystery whether the Mona Lisa is smiling or not?
What is the technique of sfumato.