Famous Math

Radiation from the sun that never gets to Earth.  It is created artificially on Earth and may be used to identify cavities in teeth or bones that may be fractured or broken.

What is the X-ray?


This starlight comes to us from the sun and is called sunshine.  The sun is a medium sized star with surface temperature of just under 6,000 Kelvin.  Stars this size emit this color starlight and the sunflower is named such because of this color.

What is yellow?


Sir Isaac Newton was known for his famous math.  He sat under the apple tree and created three laws about this that most children learn in middle school.

What is motion?


A river that runs through Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma before joining the Mississippi River in southeast Arkansas.  If flows through Little Rock, the capital city of the state that bears this river's name.

What is the Arkansas River?


A biome is a large area of land with specific climate, plant life and animal life.  Vegetation here would be short grasses and bushes and animals would be Caribou, Wolverine, Snowshoe Hare, and Tarmigan.  The land is known as permafrost in this cold biome known as

What is tundra?


Radiation from the Sun that does make it to Earth.  It is energy responsible for climate change.  It is the only radiation that you are able to emit.  Some snakes are able to see, interpret, this radiation to locate warm blooded prey. 

What is infrared radiation?


The second hottest star in the night sky.  Stars this size have a surface temperature of 20,000 Kelvin and they are very massive.  They usually die by a supernova event. Its starlight color is found on an American flag.  This color is also found in humans with recessive eye color. The starlight color of a class B star would be (no pun intended) 

What is blue?


Einstein did some real famous math.  He loved figuring out how light worked and theorized the universal speed limit with light speed.  The formula for some of his famous math begins E =.  The rest would be.

What is mc2?


This river is well known as it runs through north Africa and empties in the Mediterranean Sea.  It was the setting of a Bible Story where a baby floated along it in a basket.  It is also home to a massive crocodile.  It passes pyramids and relics of the Egyptian civilization of long ago.

What is the Nile River?


A biome is a large area of land with specific climate, plant life and animal life.  This biome is known for its sparce precipitation.  The largest of these is Antarctica.  However, it is best known for its sandy surface, cacti, and critters like the hawk, owl, sidewinder rattlesnake, and mice.  This biome is known as

What is a desert?


Radiation that is emitted by the Sun.  It makes it through Earth's atmosphere. It is the last radiation emitted by a dying star becoming a black hole.  It is used by humans for stereo, television remote controls, and police radars.  You use a form of it to warm food quickly.

What is a radio wave?


The most massive of all stars have a surface temperature of 30,000 Kelvin and often die resulting in black holes.  However, when they are producing starlight it would be the color of an herb know for its relaxing qualities, rain made famous by the artist Prince, or a large imaginary critter named Barney.  The starlight color of an O class star is

What is purple (lavender)?


Eratosthenes was a real dude when it came to famous math.  Thousands of years ago, he used a helper, a stick, the summer solstice, two towns, and a shadow, to calculate the circumference of this famous place where we live.

What is Earth?


This river flows between the famous Red Sea and the infamous Dead Sea.  It was integral to life in antiquity and central in stories prized from that time.  Its name is shared with a famous basketball star of years gone by named Michael who played years for the Chicago Bulls.

What is the river Jordan?


A biome is a large area of land with specific climate, plant life and animal life.  This one received more rainfall than all the rest.  It has dense forested areas known as jungles filled with critters like jaguar, capibara, and bird eating spiders.  It is known as

What is a tropical rain forest?


This is a form of radiation emitted by the sun that does not make it through Earth's atmosphere.  It forms when a positron merges with an electron and it has immense energy.  Its frequency is dangerous to humans and it is used in radiation therapy for cancer patients.  

What is gamma radiation?


The smallest of stars are also the "coolest" of stars.  You see these the most in the night sky if you give your eyes long enough to adjust to see the color of their starlight.  It is found on the flags of many countries and also popular with roses.  The color of starlight of an M class star is

What is red?


This guy created some crazy famous math in geometry.  He is responsible for a famous theorem.  Mathematicians use it when other formulas do not work.

Who is Pythagoreus?


This river is the second largest in the world.  It moves water from Minnesota to Louisiana.  It drains all rain falling from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachians.

What is the Mississippi River?


A biome is a large area of land with specific climate, plant life and animal life.  The "Great Plains" in the United States and the steppes of Mongolia, Russia and Ukraine are examples of this biome.  Its plants are short due to strong, sustained winds which limits how high they grow.  Some animals here would be prairie dog and buffalo (bison).

What is the grassland?


This is radiation from the Sun that reaches the surface of Earth.  It penetrates the human body in only one location.  It is either absorbed or reflected allowing human's the ability to perceive their surroundings.  It has many parts represented by the saying            "ROY G BIV" and they are seen in a rainbow.

What is visible light (color)?


Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight.  A popular child saying followed by a wish that is reputed to come true if you do not reveal what it is.  In the winter, Sirius will be that star.  It is only 8 light years away and it is large.  The color of its starlight is one that you would see in sand, lightning, and picket fences.  The color of Class A starlight would be

What is white?


Lise Meitner did some crazy math that proved to be VERY destructive.  She formulated that if the proton and neutron were separated an immense amount of energy would be released.  Her formulas were first used with objects named "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" that were dropped on cities in Japan many years ago.  This object would be

What is a nuclear (atom) bomb?


This river moves a greater volume of water than any other in the world.  It is found in Brazil.  It is home to some crazy creatures:  Anaconda, Piranha, Electric Eel, and Electric Catfish.  It is a source of life, and death, to indigenous people of the rain forest.

What is the Amazon River?


A biome is a large area of land with specific climate, plant life and animal life.  The biome where we live.  It has moderate rainfall and trees that lose their leaves in the winter known as deciduous trees.  Turkey, Black Bear, Bobcat, and White-tailed deer live in this biome.  It is known as

What is (temperate) deciduous forest?
